Noam chomsky

Noam Chomsky 7 Dec 1928 - Present

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    Birth date

    Noam Chomsky was born on December 7th 1928. He is currently still alive and well and 77 years old.
  • Father of Modern Logistics

    Father of Modern Logistics
    Noam is a major figure in analytic philosophy. Additionally, he also help found cognitive science
  • Chomsky Theory of Language

    Chomsky Theory of Language
    This theory suggest that there is properties to all natural languages. Chomsky argued that the human brain has a limited set of rules for organizing language. He also argued that all language has the same basic set of rules. There is where he came up with the set of rules call "Universal Grammar".
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    Noam Chomsky Career

    Avram Noam Chomsky was an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, political activist, and social critic. He is currently 77 years old.
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    Chomsky Career Continued

    Throughout his career he has written over 100 books. These books vary in category from mass media all the way to war events. Additionally, he is a professor at both MIT and the University of Arizona.
  • Universal Grammar Definition

    Universal Grammar Definition
    The study of general principles believed to underlie the grammatical phenomena of all languages; also : such principles viewed as part of an innate human capacity for learning a language.
  • Retirement/Present day

    Retirement/Present day
    Chomsky retired from MIT and has been teaching at the University of Arizona since 2017. He is currently still one of the leading critics within the U.S for the following foreign policy, neoliberalism and contemporary state capitalism, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and mainstream news.
  • Citation

    “Home.” Famous Scientists,
    “THE Noam CHOMSKY WEBSITE.” The Noam Chomsky Website,
    “Noam Chomsky.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,