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Niels Bohr

  • Birth date

    Niels Bohr was born on October 7, 1885
  • 1911

    Went to school for Theoretical Studies
  • Alpha Rays

    In 1912, he worked on the absorption of alpha rays. He was publishes in the Philosophical Magazine as well.
  • Family

    In 1912, he married and continued to have 6 children, 2 of which passed away and 4 had successful careers.
  • Atoms

    He studied the structure of Atoms and created a picture that represents the atomic structure. He also held a known place in theoretical physics.
  • Promotion

    He became a professor in theoretical physics at Copenhagen University.
  • Head of institute

    Bohr was appointed head of the theoretical physics institute at the same university.
  • Awarded a prize

    He won the Nobel Prize for the structure of atoms.
  • A liquid Drop

    Bohr came up with a liquid droplet theory to better understand nuclear fission. This lead the way for Hahn and Strassmann to their splitting uranium discovery.
  • Death

    After having published over 100 writings, Niels Bohr passed away on November 18, 1962 from a stroke.
  • Citations

    Niels Bohr – Biographical. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2021. Sat. 22 May 2021. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1922/bohr/biographical Editors, biography.com. “Niels Bohr.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 20 May 2021, www.biography.com/scientist/niels-bohr.