Franklin pierce

Nathaniel Hawthorne

  • Period: to

    Abduction and Multiple Killings of Aborigines in Tasmania:1804-1835

    1803-1821: British colonisation of Tasmania took two forms. Informal colonisation commenced in 1803 when small groups of British men employed in the sealing industry on the Bass Strait islands, initiated seasonal contact with Aboriginal groups along Tasmania’s northern coastline.
  • Birth of Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on 4 July 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts in the family home at 27 Hardy Street, now a museum. He was the son of Elizabeth Clarke Manning and Nathaniel Hathorne, a Captain in the U. S. Navy who died when Nathaniel was four years old.
  • Economic Panic causes depression

    Economic Panic causes depression
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    Hawthorne attended Bowdoin College

    hawthorne studied the classics, mathematics, philosophy, composition and natural science.
  • Germany: Beethoven composes Ninth Symphony

  • Dec. 2...U.S.: James Monroe pronounces Monroe Doctrine to keep European powers from Americas

    Dec. 2...U.S.: James Monroe pronounces Monroe Doctrine to keep European powers from Americas
  • July 4....U.S.: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die

    July 4....U.S.: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die
  • "Fanshawe a Tale" published anonymously for $100

    "Fanshawe a Tale" published anonymously for $100
  • Mexico: After Spanish troops are repelled by Santa Anna, slavery is abolished

    Mexico: After Spanish troops are repelled by Santa Anna, slavery is abolished
  • W. E. Channing publishes, "the Importance and Means of National Literature

    W. E. Channing publishes, "the Importance and Means of National Literature
  • Charles Darwin sails on the beagle

    Charles Darwin sails on the beagle
  • Charles Darwin begins trip around the world in Beagle

  • Samuel Francis Smith writes "America" the song

    Samuel Francis Smith writes "America" the song
    Smith gave Lowell Mason the lyrics he had written and the song was first performed in public on July 4, 1831,[1] at a children's Independence Day celebration at Park Street Church in Boston. The song, titled "America", was first published by Lowell Mason in The Choir in 1832.[1] Smith later wrote an additional stanza for the April 30, 1889 Washington Centennial Celebration. There is a handwritten note by Smith in the Louise Arner Boyd Collection archived by the Marin History Museum featuring all
  • Publishing of the Birthmark

    Publishing of the Birthmark
    While Hawthorne avidly read and enjoyed the short stories of James Fenimore Cooper and Sir Walter Scott, his own were not well-received at first. But whether it be Prynne’s indomitable spirit, the moral dilemma of “Young Goodman Brown” (1835), the disastrous side of vanity in “The Birth Mark” (1843), or “Ethan Brand’s” (1850) Unpardonable Sin, many of Hawthorne’s works remain popular and have inspired numerous other authors’ works, and adaptations to film.
  • "Twice-Told Tales" published 12 years after Hawthorne's graduation

    "Twice-Told Tales" published 12 years after Hawthorne's graduation
  • Hawthorne marries painter and transcendentalist Sophia Peabody

    Hawthorne marries painter and transcendentalist Sophia Peabody
  • Hawthorne was officially appointed as the "Surveyor for the District of Salem and Beverly and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Salem" at an annual salary of $1,200

    Hawthorne was officially appointed as the "Surveyor for the District of Salem and Beverly and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Salem" at an annual salary of $1,200
  • "The House of the Seven Gables" published in The Berkshires

    "The House of the Seven Gables" published in The Berkshires
  • "Moby Dick" was published and dedicated to Nathaniel Hawthorne

    "Moby Dick" was published and dedicated to Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Hawthorne's leave The Berkshires

    Altho his time at The Berkshires was productive, Hawthorne noted, "I am sick to death of Berkshire... I have felt languid and dispirited, during almost my whole residence."
  • Hawthorne's retured to Concord and buy what is now The Wayside

    Hawthorne's retured to Concord and buy what is now The Wayside
  • Franklin Pierce elected as president of the United States

    Franklin Pierce elected as president of the United States
    Hawthorne, who wrote Pierce's campaign biography was appointed to the important overseas post of American consul at Liverpool, in which he served form 1853 to 1857 with considerable efficiency.
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    American Civil War

    fought from 1861 to 1865 in the United States after several slave states declared their secession, also one of the earliest true industrial wars
  • "Chiefly About War Matters" published in Atlantic's Monthly

  • Emancipation Proclimation of Abraham lincoln, that declared forever free those slaves within teh Confederacy

    Emancipation Proclimation of Abraham lincoln, that declared forever free those slaves within teh Confederacy
  • Hawthorne dies in his sleep in Plymouth, New Hampshire

    Hawthorne dies in his sleep in Plymouth, New Hampshire
  • Lincoln won re-election

    AS a union military triumphs heralded an end to the war. In his planning for peace, the President was flexible and generous, encouraging Southerners to lay down their arms and join speedily in reunion