Japaneseamericanschildrenpledgingallegiance1942 2

Narein Tansen: The Journal of Ben Unchida. Citizen 13559 Mirror lade internment camp

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    The Japanese internment camps of World War ll

  • The Gentlemen's Agreement between Japan and the United States

    The Gentlemen's Agreement between Japan and the United States
    President Teddy Roosevelt made a deal with Japan agreeing that if they stop issuing passports to the U.S. for their citizens, then he would make sure that California ended segregation against Japanese students. This deal was called the Gentlemen's Agreement.
  • Wives Arrive in United States

    Wives Arrive in United States
    Even though the Gentlemen's Agreement promised to limit passports to the US, many wives started arriving because they wanted to be with their husbands. The Americans were starting to get really annoyed and jealous of the success of the Japanese farmers, so they were hesitant to offer jobs to Japanese people anymore.
  • End of World War l

    End of World War l
    After World War I and Germany's defeat, Germany's economy was in ruins, and they wanted to blame someone or find a scapegoat. They chose to place the blame on the Jews.
  • The Beginning of World War ll

    The Beginning of World War ll
    Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 which officially started World War ll with Germany trying to take over all of Europe and create a perfect Aryan race by eliminating all "undesirables" like the Jews.
  • The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941 which killed many Americans and caused the U.S. to enter the War against the Axis forces joining forces with Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union.
  • Franklin Roosevelt's Order 9066

    Franklin Roosevelt's Order 9066
    Franklin Roosevelt signed order 9066 which forced the removal of anybody of Japanese heritage. from their homes and into Internment Camps agianst their will.
  • Papa Returns

    Papa Returns
    On January 11, 1943, Papa returned to his family from an Internment Camp in Montana where he had been held by the United States government against his will.
  • Internment Camps Closed

    Internment Camps Closed
    The first internment camp is closed on December 17, 1944, and the last internment camp wasn't closed until March 30, 1946. This was the end of an embarrassing period in American history.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide on March 30, 1945, because Germany is about to lose the war, and he was going to get He chose to take his own life rather than face the humiliation of defeat.
  • America Drops the Atomic Bomb

    America Drops the Atomic Bomb
    On August 6, 1945, the United Staes drops an atomic bomb om Hiroshima, Japan which killed 80,000 people. This was the first time the atomic bomb had ever been used. Then, on August 9, 1945 America drops a bomb on Nagasaki, Japan which killed another 40,000 people. These bombings led to Japan's surrender.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    On March 30, 1945, Germany surrendered which brought about the end of World War II after the loss of millions of lives.
  • Papa Dies

    Papa Dies
    Papa died on December 19, 1945 as a result of health problems fhe had suffered since his internment in Montana.
  • Reparations Paid to Japanese Survivors

    Reparations Paid to Japanese Survivors
    President Jimmy Carter signed a bill paying 20,000 dollars to any Japanese survivor who had faced unfair internment during World War ll. This was America's attempt to make up for the unfair treatment of these people.