Napoleon 3

Napoleón Bonaparte

  • Birth

    He was born in August 15, 1769 and had measured 1.68 m
  • First marriage

    First marriage
    He was got married with Josefina de Beauharnais in March 9, 1796
  • Crowned emperor of France

    Crowned emperor of France
    He was crowned emperor of France in December 2, 1804
  • crowned king of Italy

    crowned king of Italy
    He was crowned king of Italy in May 26,1805 , held titles until April 11,1814 and from March 20 to June 22,1815
  • Second marriage

    Second marriage
    he was got married the April 1, 1810 with María Luisa de Austria
  • Napoleón was defeated forever

    Napoleón was defeated forever
    He was for little more than a decade leading almost all of western and central europe but He was defeated forever in Belgium the June 18, 1815
  • Died

    he was died of the May 5, 1821 to the 51 years