
my family history

  • Period: to

    family history

  • nanna (Vivienne Ayles)

    nanna (Vivienne Ayles)
    born in broken hill she moved house 7 times (all in SA) and her family history is welsh and cornish
  • jack ayles

    jack ayles
    born in urania
  • jack andrew

    jack andrew
    born in cadina
  • mavis andrew

    mavis andrew
    born in broken hill
  • mama (Debora White)

    mama (Debora White)
    born in Addelaide she moved 12 times both in Australia and papa new guienia and her family history is all Australian
  • john white

    john white
    born in engalnd
    push: pollution
    pull: recreational
    livability: lifestyle
  • john neil andrew

    john neil andrew
    born in waikerie entered parliment in 1979
    push; economy
    pull: family
    livability: employment
  • carolyn ayles

    carolyn ayles
    born in adelaide
    fh australian
  • matt white

    matt white
    born in melbourne
  • kate andrew

    kate andrew
    born in waikereie
  • papa new guienia

    papa new guienia
    mama, papa and dad moved to papua new guienea.
    push: economy
    pull: culture
    livability:life style
  • imogen white

    imogen white
    born in adelaide
  • harriet white

    harriet white
    born in adelaide
  • beatrice white

    beatrice white
    born in adelaide
    pull factor: life style
    push factor: crime levels
    livability: employment