
Three-Event Timeline (Bryan)

  • Bryan's infancy years - Trust versus Mistrust

    Bryan's infancy years - Trust versus Mistrust
    Bryan, a one year old infant, has a very caring and loving parents. He recognizes how his parents provide him everything he needs to survive including food, shelter, love, warmth, and safety. Hence, he feels very secured at all times. In Erikson’s first stage, trust versus mistrust, the crisis is between developing a sense of basic optimism and security (trust) based upon how caregivers meet an infant’s needs or developing suspicion (mistrust) as caregivers neglect an infant’s needs.
  • Bryan's pre-school years - Initiative versus Guilt

    Bryan's pre-school years - Initiative versus Guilt
    A now 4 years old, Bryan begins to build on his independence in how he plays and interacts with others. He is very friendly amongst people he meets especially with his pre-school classmates. In Erikson’s third stage, initiative versus guilt, the crisis is between a child learning how to make decisions and plan for the future by having caregivers who support him/her and getting criticized for being assertive which often results in lack of confidence in one’s self.
  • Bryan's teenage years - Identity versus Confusion

    Bryan's teenage years - Identity versus Confusion
    June 16, 2015
    A now 16 years old, Bryan establishes a coherent sense of himself by determining his priorities in life. He knows that he needs to study hard for his future and being there with his loved ones. Erikson’s fifth stage of identity versus confusion, the crisis is between receiving proper encouragement through personal exploration will develop a strong sense of self of independence and those who remain unsure of their desires will feel confused about themselves and the future.