MLK timeline

  • Martin L. King is born

    Martin L. King is born
    Martin luther king was born on January 15 1929. This was the day a historical figure was born
  • Reverend king organizes a protest

    Reverend king organizes a protest
    Reverend King did more than preach about civil rights. He put his words into action. In January 1935, the Reverend organized a protest against civil rights in the courthouse
  • MLK gets married

    Martin Luther king marries Coretta Scott.
  • Rosa parks is arrested

    Rosa parks is arrested
    Rosa parks was arrested for not listening to a bus driver. This made the civil rights movement even more stornger. This made Martin luther king want even more africans to have rights.
  • MLK introduces people to people campaigns

    MLK introduces people to people campaigns
    MLK introduces people to people, a campaign that encourages black people to vote for civil rights
  • King gets sent to jail

    Martin luther king was sent to jail for organizing a protest.
  • King's i have a dream

    MLLK gave his most famous speech on this day. I have a dream is martin's bet speech in the eyes of others.
  • The civil rights act is signed.

    The civil rights act is signed.
    MLK and hundreds of africans work paid off. They got Lyndon b johnson to sign the civil rights at and gave africans equal rights.
  • Martin gives his finenest speech

    Martin gives his finenest speech
    Martin luther king gives the speech I've been to a mountain top. This is considered one of MLK's finenest speeches
  • Martin Luther King is assinated

    Martin Luther King is assinated
    MLK was shot to death on his balcony. His murder set off tons of riots and millions were killed.