

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The five laws passed to deal with the topic of slavery:
    1.)Fugitive slave law-had to return all runaway slaves
    2.)Slave Trade in capital was abolished.
    3.)California free state
    4.)Utah territory established
    5.)Sets boundaries of Texas
    The topic of slavery itself was very controversial during the 1800's and could cause many outrages.
  • Fugitive Slave Act Not Working

    Fugitive Slave Act Not Working
    After implementing the Compromise of 1850 it was shown that the North did not abide by their promise to return slaves back to the South as to not help them deal with their problems. This yet again causing people to get annoyed as for not keeping their word.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Release

    Uncle Tom's Cabin Release
    A book was publish explaining the difficulties and hardships of life as a slave during the 1800's. This book outraged many such as the South especially causing back and forth fighting and according to President Lincoln he claimed the publisher, Harriet Beecher Stowe was the "Little woman that caused the big war".
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    Thought to fix conflicts after the Mexican-American war, it only caused controversy and intensified the conflict over enslavement due to extending out the regional differences.
  • "Bleeding Kansas" Riots

    "Bleeding Kansas" Riots
    When Kansans were given the right to choose whether they wanted to be proslavery or antislavery this caused many violent events to take place. This thus leading to be another cause of the war as things began to divide apart even more.
  • Charles Summer Attacked by Preston Books

    Charles Summer Attacked by Preston Books
    Due to the division on thoughts of slavery in Kansas it was soon brought to the Senate. Once there it was known that Charles Summer was attacked by Preston Books all over the topic of slavery. This too being another reason for the nation slowly dividing more and more.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    African American, Dred Scott lost his freedom due to the argument of his enslaver being the one to bring him to the freedom states and being allowed to be the one to take him back. This ended up infuriating antislavery people due to knowing that he should rightfully be free of his enslavement.
  • John Brown's Plan

    John Brown's Plan
    John Brown leads an antislavery group with some African Americans included to forcefully prove his views and point on slavery. In the end this just caused a mess and got everyone captured and killed.
  • President Lincoln Elected!

    President Lincoln Elected!
    President Abraham Lincoln get elected into presidency which concerned the South due to his views on enslavement since the South was mainly farm based, furthering dividing the nation.
  • South Secession

    South Secession
    Thinking it's smart, the South, including Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas (also known as the cotton states) decide if they can't get what they want, they'll just secede from the nation fully in the end dividing the nation!