Men's Wear Fashion changes from 1700-1750

By sgmeek
  • Men's Fashion 1700-1709

    Men's Fashion 1700-1709
    Male suits were made in 3 parts: a justaucorps, jacket (usually including a full skirt), and breeches.
  • Men's Fashion from 1710-1719

    Men's Fashion from 1710-1719
    This time period was characterized by outfits with full-skirted knee length coat, knee breeches, a vest, and linen shirts.
  • Men's Fashion 1720-1729

    Men's Fashion 1720-1729
    Fashion was essentially the same except the fabrics changed to velvets, silk, and wools. The shoes also became more comfortable with a smaller heel.
  • Men's Fashion 1730-1739

    Men's Fashion 1730-1739
    Men's fashion again was essentially the same. Wigs were worn tied back with ribbons and wide brimmed hats were worn.
  • Men's Fashion 1740-1749

    Men's Fashion 1740-1749
    The change during this fashion time period was the coat skirts became less full and waist coats became shorter.