Martin Luther King Jr.

  • MLK's "I Have a Dream Speech"

    MLK's "I Have a Dream Speech"
    On August 28, 1968, more than 200,000 Americans gathered in Washington DC for jobs and freedom. This event was organized by many civil rights leaders and religious groups, such as MLK. This speech was intended to open up African Americans lives and free them from the "jail" they were in. Before this MLK led many americans in the March on Washington. This was a protest for jobs and freedom for black people. This was a breakthrough in USA's history and for african american all over the world.
  • RFK's Presidency.

    RFK's Presidency.
    Lyndon Johnson, the president at this time and he was at the end of his presidency. Robert F. Kennedy, JFK's younger brother, decided to run for president against MLK. Before this he served as a senator in New York City. He finished that job and decided to take a chance. He won by only a few votes. MLK was then was assigned secretary of state for RFK in the USA.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Robert F. Kennedy quickly put an end to the Vietnam War, which was a war involving, the communist regime of Noth Vietnam and Viet Kong against South Vietnam and its principal Ally the US. About 1,000,000 people were killed in the conflict. Stopping the war this fast was a good idea because if it hadn't been stopped many more men would be killed in battle.
  • MLK's "The Day We are All at Peace" SPEECH

    MLK's "The Day We are All at Peace" SPEECH
    Martin Luther King delivered his powerful speech about how the world should be at peace and war is not the answer to every moment. About 23,000,000 people attended this event. This was an breakthrough for many people who were discriminated. It opened up others minds about equality. Many who were racist quickly realized it was a horrible thing.
  • Martin Luther In Peace Council

    Martin Luther In Peace Council
    Martin Luther King Jr. became the leader of the peace counsil to stand up to violence and discrimination and to bring everyone together. Later Yolanda, MLK's daughter chose to follow his daddy's footsteps and joined the peace group and spread the word to all of her accquantances.
  • The Killing because of Racism

    The Killing because of Racism
    One really dark and snowy night, Tom Lorraine, a white person was accused of abducting a black women and beating her because she was for the Civil Rights Movement. She was sadly killed because it was so horrific. One day after this killing, the police caught the murderer and he is still in prison to this day.
  • MLK Retires

    MLK Retires
    MLK finally retires for being the US secretary of state for RFK. But he continues to stand up for Civil Rights and peace throughout the world. RFK gives him the peace bomb badge. Whoever does something historical, that person gets the badge for what they did.
  • His View of Peace Spreads WORLDWIDE

    His View of Peace Spreads WORLDWIDE
    A very special event takes place during this year. This made the whole world a better place. MLK's peace presidency in the council spreads throughout the world and he becomes known by many other peace leaders and ambassadors. The leaders traveled around the world sharing their ideas.
  • Inspiration

    After MLK retired and continued to live out his life. Meanwhile, Dexter Scott King continues to make people hear him all around the world. Until today he is doing wha this father did along with his sister Corretta. They have travelled around the world delivering more speeches and posting peace signs all over.
  • MLK's Death

    MLK's Death
    Martin Luther King lived his life to very fullest until he peacefully past away in February of 1998. He made many black peoples lives better and helped created peace in the world that we live in today. He delivered many outstanding and ispiring messages that people still recognize him in January every year.