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Martin Luther

  • Nov 10, 1483


    Martin Luther is born in Eisleben,Saxony,in southeast Germany to Hans and Margarette Luther
  • Jan 1, 1502

    Studying at Erfurt

    Studying at Erfurt
    Martin Luther is studying at the University of Erfurt and recieves his Baccaleureat in the liberal arts.
  • Jul 1, 1505

    Discovers Path

    Discovers Path
    Luther has a life changing experience when he is caught in a fierce storm.He makes a promise to god to become a monk.He later does so at Erfurt.
  • Jan 1, 1512

    Becomes Professor

    Becomes Professor
    Luther becomes a professor of theology at the University of Wittenburg requiring him to study scripture very closely.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1513 to Jan 1, 1516


    Through studying scripture Luther finds the true answer to salvation and that the church should not involve itself in the process of finding it.Only god can gift salvation its is not earned by purchasing or following strict guidelines.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    New Indulgences Emerge

    New Indulgences Emerge
    Pope Leo X annouces a new round of indulgences to raise funds.Tetzel travels to sell these to the people and guarantee they will achieve salvation with their purchase.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Attack on the Papacy

    Attack on the Papacy
    Luther publicly declares the Bible didn't give the pope the right to interpret scripture.This is seen as a direct attack on the papacy and was seen as heresy.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Martin Luther nails the 95 Theses to the university's chapel door with "a devastating critique of the indulgences as corrupting people's faith".
  • Jun 15, 1520

    Ultimatum Issued

    Ultimatum Issued
    The pope issues ultimatum threatening Luther with excommunication.
  • Dec 10, 1520

    The Burning

    The Burning
    Luther burns the papal bull of excommunication issued by Leo X.
  • Jan 1, 1521


    Martin Luther is officially excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church.
  • May 8, 1521

    Edict of Worms

    Edict of Worms
    The Edict of Worms is released banning the writings of Martin Luther.He is called a "convicted heretic."
  • May 1, 1522

    Lutheranism Emerges

    Lutheranism Emerges
    Luther returns to Wittenburg and begins to organize a new church,Lutheranism.