Maman from the Stranger

  • The Funeral

    The Funeral
    Meursault seems to feel very little emotion during the funeral; he is more worried about his tie than Maman's death. He notices someone crying, and comments only on his annoyance that she wouldn't stop. In addition, he doesn't want to look in the coffin. This reveals his insensitivity towards his and others' emotions, and his general apathy towards death.
  • Meursault's recovery from Maman's death

    Meursault's recovery from Maman's death
    Meursault lists ordinary things, such as that Sunday was over and he was going back to work, along with Maman's death, implying that he doesn't consider it to be a big deal, and has simply moved on quickly.
  • Salamano Crying

    Salamano Crying
    Meursault realizes that Salamano is crying, and this reminds him of Maman. This shows that, despite his seeming insensitivity and apathy, he does feel some emotion for Maman's death, even if he doesn't recognize it as such.
  • Talking about Maman's death

    Talking about Maman's death
    Meursault is waffling on his feelings about Maman when talking to the lawyer; he says he probably loved her, and at the same time had sometimes wished she were dead and also would rather she hadn't died. This shows his lack of awareness for his own feelings, and his inability to identify them.
  • Being happy

    Being happy
    Meursault thinks about how Maman used to say there was always something to be happy about, and he uses that though to comfort him in his cell. This shows that, despite what he thinks, Meursault is actually dependent on Maman.
  • The right to cry over her

    The right to cry over her
    Meursault realizes that Maman's death was freeing to her; she played at beginning again and felt "ready to live it all again." This concept allows Meursault to feel free, even with his impending death.