Major US interarctions from 2001-2011

By sorin95
  • Al-Qaeda attacked the twin towers

    Al-Qaeda attacked the twin towers
    The terrosist organization had hijacked three plane and flew two of them into the twin towers and ther third into the pentagon.
  • U.S. gets the ok invades Iraq

    U.S. gets the ok invades Iraq
    U.S. congress give Presidant Bush to invade Iraq.
  • First US troops enter Iraq

    The first US troops offically invade Iraq.
  • Bush won the the presidantcy election.

    Republican party's cannidant Presidant Bush was relected to office.
  • North Korea has nuclear weapons.

    North Korea announce its has nuclear weapons. The US prrotests and demands them to get rid of the weapons.
  • Saddam Hussein found and hung

    Saddam Hussein found and hung
    The Iran Dictator Saddam Hussein was found and hung by the local people.
  • North Korea agrees to shut down nuclear facilities

    North Korea agrees to shut down its nuclear facilities by April 14.
  • India protects the Gulf of Aiden

    India protects the Gulf of Aiden
    India sends a Navy fleet to protect ships traveling through the Gulf of Aiden from Somalian pirates
  • Obama's Stimulus plan

    Obama's Stimulus plan
    Presidant Obama annouces his stimulus plan to lower the US' debt.
  • Haiti is hit by a major earthquake.

    Haiti was hit with a 7.0 earthquake. Over 200,000 people perished because of toppled buildings and falling objects because of the earthquake.
  • Lybian rebels take control of Tripoli

    Lybian rebels take control of Tripoli
    Lybin rebels invade Gaddafi's compound and take full control of Lybia.