Major Events

By scoovie
  • T reaty of Versilles

    T reaty of Versilles
    • The treaty punish germany and left bitter feelings.
    • Germany accepted all the blame.
    • Italy was disappointed because they was denied territory.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    • Nazi was over Jews and killed Jewish people.
    • Nazi killed people who they thought was disable.
    • The reason they killed those people was because they thought they was un worthy.
  • Anti-Semitism

    • It was when anti- Jewish propaganda.
    • Hitler made a book that talked about killing Jewish people.
      -Hitler was in jail.
  • Fascim in Italy

    • They have one leader and one party.
    • All ascept of society are controlled by the government
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    • Hitler want more land so he could make a bigger army
    • They wanted to expand to the east.
    • the only choice was war.
  • Germany Invades

    Germany Invades
    • Hitler did what he want want to and that was expand his army.
    • He defeated france, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Britain, and others.
    • Was one a role until Britain came up.
  • The Battle of Britain

    • battle lasted from August- September.
    • France had surrender to Germany left Britain to fight Germany alone.
    • Britain came out on top and won the battle.
  • Stalingrad

    • Four million German troops invaded Russia.
    • The tryed more than once.
    • After 3 year of fighting the Russian still won.
  • Attack of Pearl Harbor

    Attack of Pearl Harbor
    • Janpan did a seek attack.
    • they was trying to destroy the US naval forces.
    • US Still entered the war.
  • Italy's surrender

    Italy's surrender
    Italy has signed an unconditional armistice with the Allies, General Dwight D Eisenhower has announced.
    They surrender was signed five days later in secret by a representative of Marshal Pietro Badoglio. Italy's prime minister since the downfall of Benito Mussolini in July.
  • V-E Day (Victory inEurope day)

    V-E Day (Victory inEurope day)
    These are the two days that the unconditional surrender of
    the Axis Powers in Europe were accepted and signed. The war ended in Europe.
  • Nuclear War

    Nuclear War
    Atfter Japan boomed the US. The USA came up with new Technology.
  • US pay back

    US pay back
    The US dropped the first boom (Little Boy)on Hiroshima.
    The US gave Japan a warning that itt would be a second booming.
    The US did what they said.
  • Second Boom

    Second Boom
    The US drop the second boom (Fat Man) on Japan.
    The US made another boom call.
    Aug 15 japan surrendered.
  • The Rise of Superpowers

    The United States of America and the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) had superpowers.
    A superpower is a country that has the highest level of influence and a stron Military
  • A Divided Germany

    A Divided Germany
    Britain and France did not want to be invaded again by Germany.
    Germany was divided into Eastern (Communist) and Western Germany Democracy =Berlin Wall.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    when the Japanese accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and unconditionally surrendered.
    Caption from the August 27, 1945, he kissed a women in the middle of New York Time Square.
  • Europe

    Hitler will turn on the Soviet Union
    That caused the soviet to join the Allies.
    The Big 3, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D.
    Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill
  • Beginnings of the Cold War

    Beginnings of the Cold War
    Germany was the first of many problems between the Soviets and
    the U.S.A.
    the Soviets developed an atomic bomb.
    Now the two world superpowers both had nuclear
  • East & West Berlin

    East & West Berlin
    As a compromise, the city of Berlin was divided into East and West Berlin.
    West Berlin was controlled by Germany.
    East Berlin was controlled by the Soviet Union.