
Major Allied Offensives, 1943-1944

By Mr.Frye
  • Battle of Stalingard ends

  • Meeting in Casablanca, Morocco between Roosevelt and Churchill

    The two discuss military priorities such as ridding the Atlantic sea of German U-boats, sending aid to the USSR, prepping for the 1944 invasion of France, capturing Sicily after the North African campaign, and taking offensive opportunities at Japan along the way.
  • Hitler transfers 36 more army divisions to the Eastern Front

  • Sixth Army Surrenders

    Soviet troops invade the Hungarian and Romanian lines, which secludes the German Sixth Army in the city. Hitler forbids Germans from retreating, so they are eventually forced to surrender.
  • Allied marine forces capture Guadalcanal

  • Allies attack Sicily

    Allies attack Sicily after defeating Afrika Korps in Tunisia
  • Mussolini is overthrown

    Italians overthrow Mussolini and his government
  • Allies attack Italy

    Italy is attacked after Hitler sends troops to Italy for support and to save Mussolini.
  • Admiral Nimitz "island hops" through the Central Pacific

  • Big Three meeting in Iran

    Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met in Tehran, iran to discuss the invasion of France. It was decided that the US and Great Britiain would attack no later than May of 1944.
  • Rome is captured

    Heavy fighting on the beaches near Anzio delayed the capture until June. Although Stalin frowned upon the Italian invasion, it kept 25 Germany army divisions busy that could have been meanwhile fighting on the Eastern Front.
  • D-Day

    General Eisenhower commands thousands of vesself to leave the English ports and head to the beaches of Normandy, carrying 156,000 Allied soldiers.
  • Soviets liberate Warsaw

  • German officers try to assassinate Hitler

    Thinking that the war was practically lost, German officers tried to assassinate Hitler. Failing at their attempt put hundreds of people to death for possible conspiracy.
  • American marines capture Saipan, Tinaian, and Guam in the Marianas.

    Naval forces also had a strong victory of Japan in the Battle of the Philippine Sea.
  • Soviets take Rumania and Bulgaria

  • 2 million Allied troops were in France

  • Finland Leaves Axis Powers

    Finland concludes an armistice with the Soviet Union, leaving the Axis partnership.
  • Soviets free Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and part of Hungary

  • MacArthur's forces invade Leyte. Naval forces dominate the Japanese fleet.

  • Germans Launch Offensive

    The Germans launch a final offensive in the west (Battle of the Bulge), in attempt to re-conquer Belgium and split the Allied forces along the German border. However, by January 1, 1945 the Germans were in retreat.