4ae1541e 5038 48c9 a0ad b58117ac61f2 636 00000196c586b337

Little brother

  • The bombing

    There was a bombing in the middle of school.
  • He got taken

    He got taken
    He was taken by the homeland security and is being held against his will
  • He got released

    He got released
    He got released from the homelands security
  • He found that his computer was broken

    He found that his computer was broken
    He found out that his computer was broken when he got home.
  • His dad got mad at him

    His dad got mad at him
    His dad got mad because he was pulled over twice on the way home
  • They upped the security in San Francisco

    They upped the security in San Francisco
    They added more security to his town because he is jamming their investigation
  • Guy gets on the phone.

    Guy gets on the phone.
    There was a guy that got on a pay phone and called into a radio station and said that this was just the beginning
  • They get together

    They get together
    They all got together and now they are making the keys
  • The mis-hap

    The mis-hap
    Marcus had told the entire group what happened with the DHS
  • They make up

    They make up
    Marcus and his best friend made up