New born

Lifespan Project - Psy Cology

  • Birth

    Psy was born at 11:09 AM, he was 20 inches 8 pounds and 3 ounces. He was a very easy child, he slept regularly, he didn’t cry very often. He was a very quiet baby which continued to be evident throughout his life. He was fine not being held, he wasn’t very high maintenance, and he showed signs of an introvert.
  • Period: to


  • One year check up

    One year check up
    At one year Psy had grown to 30 inches and 29 pounds. He was healthy and progressing at a great rate.
  • Crash

    When Psy was 3 years old his mother passed away in a car crash. Losing his mother was very taxing on Psy. Without his mother's support and encouragement as he was going through the initiative vs guilt stage in life from 3 to 5 years Psy felt guilty about trying to be independent. As a result, Psy had trouble throughout the rest of his childhood with doing things on his own. He was very reliant on others.
  • Trouble Comprehending -- Preoporational

    Trouble Comprehending -- Preoporational
    In the months following the crash Psy had a hard time understanding that his mother was "gone." He would run into the kitchen screaming for mommy, and he would look next to the fridge where she always hid during hide and seek. He understood that she wasn't there but couldnt comprehend that she was gone for good. He expected her to appear.
  • Stealing

    When Psy was four, he stole a $100 bill out of his teachers purse because he thought it was "cool looking," he didn't understand that stealing was wrong, as Kohlberg would say he was on the preconventional level of morale development where he was only thinking of self interest.
  • Puberty Hits

    Puberty Hits
    Ah, puberty, Psy went through this relatively well. Not much of the breakouts and growing pains. His voice grew deeper, his muscles grew slightly more defined over the year as his "baby fat" disappeared.
  • Trouble socially

    Trouble socially
    Teenagers, according to Erikson, go through a stage of identity vs role confusion where they figure out who they are and develope a sense of self, or they become confused about who they are. Psy had trouble throughout childhood because of the death of his mother at such a young age. His independence and confidence was minimal and this continued into adolescence. He had trouble making and keeping friends because he had trouble connecting.
  • Chess

    When Psy was 15 years old he joined the chess team, he was very gifted. Cognitively he had advanced to the formal operational stage at age 12 where he began to have the capability for abstract reasoning. He was able to understand the game of chess, see how it worked, and strategize how he could win a match. He won the regional title for his school.
  • Regional Chess Champion

    Regional Chess Champion
    Psy defeated the defending regional champion to bring his school its first championship in chess in over 40 years. This significantly helped Psy develope the sense of self that he had been lacking for so long. He felt accomplished and proud and for the first time it was as though his mothers death and his trouble in the initiative vs guilt stage were behind him.
  • Morale Development

    Morale Development
    Psy is at the conventional level on Kohlberg's Moral Ladder. He obeys the laws and social rules because it is the right thing to do. He is trying to avoid disapproval.
  • Girlfriend!

    Psy took all his confidence gained from his newfound talent, chess, and asked Mary Alice out on a date. They hit it off and began dating, things were fantastic!....
  • Heartbreak

    ....unitl...Psy stopped playing chess. He began to go back to his old ways of being clingy and dependent. His mothers death had such a large impact on his life that he felt like he couldnt be happy for long periods of time, and he had been too happy for too long. So he pushed Mary Alice away slowly and she got fed up and ended things.
  • Period: to


    Immediately following high school Psy got a job as a truck driver, he lived in a studio apartment with his small dog. Psy dated here and there but never a second date, he got back in touch with Mary Alice briefly but she decided that he was not in a good place and decided to move on. Psy kept in touch with his father who also lived alone.
  • No Work

    No Work
    Psy had a job as a truck driver since he got out of high school, however, when he was 44 the company went out of business and Psy was laid off. He could not find work the rest of his life and had to move in with his father who supported him. This was during the generativity vs stagnation stage, and Psy began to feel like he was not contributing at all to society. He had no family, he had no job, he was dependent on his aging father. His life seemed like a dead end.
  • Accountant..?

    Psy tried to go back to work and learn to be an accountant, he took a training course, but he could not comprehend and maintain the information that he learned. His fluid intelligence was very low and as a result he could not get the accounting job.
  • Cognitive and Sense Deterioration

    Cognitive and Sense Deterioration
    Psy in his old age began to lose memory. He could not remember little things that had recently occured. His sense of hearing deteriorated, he had to get glasses for the first time in his life in order to be able to see, and he noticed that food didnt taste quite the same anymore,
  • Old Man..

    Old Man..
    Psy never found another woman after Mary Alice, he never got to be a parent. He did, however, get a dog to keep him company; but he was very detached from the dog. He continued to have trouble forming relationships.
  • Father Dies

    Father Dies
    Psy's father passed away from a heart attack, he had been in and out of the hospital for a few years with heart problems. His fathers death threw Psy into a downward spiral of depression and alcoholism.
  • The end..

    The end..
    Psy passed away early..Hehad begun to take anti-depressants. One night when things felt like they wouldnt get better he took too many pills and drank too much and overdosed. He was buried next to his mother and father. He was 59 years old. The impac that the death of his mother and then the death of his father had on his life was such a factor in his development. Growing up without a mother was devastating for Psy.