Edgar allan poe 02

Lewis, Bridget .-U.S constitution unite Elbridge gerry

  • Edgar Allen Poe was born

    Edgar Allen poe was bornin Boston.
  • Abraham lincon was born

    he was born in kentucky!
  • Edgar's parents separate

    Edagar's parents split up when poe was 1 years old.
  • The allans adopt Poe

  • Edgar goes to a school in Englend

    Poe's school was in Manor School at Stoke Newington in England. He attended it from 1815-1820.
  • A year without Summer

    The Year Without a Summer also known as the Poverty Year, Year There Was No Summer, and Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death.
  • Missippi

    Mississippi becomes the 20th State of the U.S.A. on December 10
  • Poe gets engadged

    He askes Elmira Royster to marrry him, but her parents call off the wedding.
  • Poe enterd the US army

    He went in under the name of Edgar A. Perry and he got kicked out from the Army after “intentional neglect of his duties.
  • Tamerlane and Other Poems published

    Tamerlane and Other Poems was one of the first things published.
  • The Fall of the House of Usher Published

    It was a classic horror story that he wrote
  • The raven!

    One of the most famous stories ever published.
  • California Gold Rush

    it began in 1848. Poe was 39 years old
  • Poe attempts suicide

    Poe tried to commit suicide, he failed.
  • Poe dies

    He told his mother he was leaving Richmond, Virginia to go to New York and he didnt make it. He was found outside a bar and died at the hospital. He died when he was only 40 years old
  • Poe gets married

    He marries his 13 year old cousin, Virginia Clemm. Then She dies of tuberculosis.