
Joseph Moscoso pr.5

  • Period: to

    Jsoeph Moscoso

    64 Paul Ehrlich Cemotherapy
  • start of Ehrlich's carrer

    start of Ehrlich's carrer
    Paul Ehrilch's, born into a jewish family in Strehlen,German kindom of Prussia. His cousin was one of the first owners of a microtomes, a device used to cutting small objects. he became intirested in cutting microscoptic tissue, he brought the intirest to universities he studied in.
  • Educated

    Paul obtained his degree in medicine by a paper describing of the theory and practice of staining animal tissue, due to W.H.Perkins work in 1853
  • Better Facilitys for work

    Better Facilitys for work
    Paul was appointed assistant to proffesor Frerichs and the proffesor gave him facilitys to work on dyes and staining. He classified that all dies are basic, acid, or neutral and laid foundaition for future work.
  • Qualificaition

    Paul qualifies, due to his thesis, that the need of the organism for oxygen and due to it he advances all the way to become senior house Physician to the charite ospital in berlin.
  • Immunological

    Robert Koch hired Paul as his assistant. Ehrlich began immunological studies which will always assosiate his name.
  • Directing and Behring

    Directing and Behring
    An institute for the control of therapeutic sera and Ehrlich was a director. he did important work on immunology, mostly on haemolysins and how chemical react to heat and cold and antitoxin. Von Behring's antidiphtheritic serum and standarized the serum and built upon for the future.
  • The theory

    The theory
    due to Pauls work of immunology and with behring and makes a side-chain theory of immunity.
  • Royal Institute of Experimental Therapy

    Royal Institute of Experimental Therapy
    R.I.E.T. was formed, Paul was the director, and he devoted himself to chemotherapy. he wanted to find chemical substances which have special affinities for pathogenic organism and be like magic bullets and go strait to the organisms they are aimed too.
  • Prized possesion

    Prized possesion
    Paul recieves the prize of honour at the XVth Iternational Congress of Medicine at lisbon
  • the DEATH of Paul Ehrlich

    the DEATH of Paul Ehrlich
    Ehrlich died of a stroke in Bad Homburg leaving behind a large legacy.