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John Polkinghorne October 16, 1930- March 9, 2021

  • Creation of Mathematical Models to calculate the paths of quantum particles

    Creation of Mathematical Models to calculate the paths of quantum particles
    John Polkinghorne believed science and theology goes hand and hand. John believed that all his studies required deeper involvement in understanding to acquire results or truth. He was selected a member of the Royal Society based on his mathematical models used to calculate the paths of quantum particles. These mathematical models were one of his biggest impacts to the world.
  • “The Way the World is”

    “The Way the World is”
    In 1983, John published the book The Way the World Is, in which he discusses how a thinking person can be a Christian. Also, it was one of the first published works in which he compared the relationship of science and religion. In this book and other books John uses his experience as a scientist and theologian and argues that Christianity shows credible work that can be useful.
  • “The Faith of a Physicist: Reflections of a Bottom-Up Thinker”

    “The Faith of a Physicist: Reflections of a Bottom-Up Thinker”
    John had influence on developing the foundations in his work as physicist and also as a priest. In his book The Faith of a Physicist, he mentioned that it was his “most substantial” because he took a stance on the phrase of the Christian Nicene creed and proved them to be true.
  • Awarded the Templeton Prize for Progress Towards Research or Discoveries about Spiritual Realites

    Awarded the Templeton Prize for Progress Towards Research or Discoveries about Spiritual Realites
    John Polkinghorne was awarded the Templeton Prize in 2002 for recognition of compelling work of theology and how it works with natural sciences. John believed both natural sciences and theology worked towards the truth of things and brings in different perspectives. Also, he believed that science looked into how the processes of the world are and religion is concerned with the meaning and purpose of the world.