
Noam Chomsky

By hspoon
  • Born

    Noam Chomsky was born in Philadelphia, PA on December 7, 1928.
  • Transformational grammer

    Transformational grammer
    While doing his postgraduate work in the Harvard Society of Fellows, Chomsky came up with a theory that earned him his doctorate. Transformational grammar is a set a rules that helps to translate any sentence into any given language.
  • Syntactic Structures

    Syntactic Structures
    In 1957, while teaching at MIT he was making advances in study of language. Syntactic Structures introduced the transformational grammar theory idea forward and broke down sentences into smaller parts. This allowed the limited set of rules to generate only grammatically correct sentences in any given language.
  • National Science Foundation Fellow

    National Science Foundation Fellow
    From 1958 to 1959 Chomsky was a fellow with the National Science Foundation while there he was involved in the universal grammar theory, the generative grammar theory, the Chomsky Hierarchy and the minimalist program.
  • The Resposibility of Intellectuals

    The Resposibility of Intellectuals
    Chomsky was against the involvement of the United States in the Vietnam war. He was very vocal about where he stood. He rose to national attention with his essay against the war. The Responsibility of Intellectuals the intellectual culture in the United States. Being considered a supporter with the New Left, Chomsky was arrested multiple times and was on President Nixon's Enemies List, due to his beliefs.
  • Period: to

    Indonesian occupation of East Timor

    From December of 1975 to October of 1999 there was Indonesian occupation of the East Timor. Chomsky and many others worked to expose that occupation and called for immediate withdraw. While the United states and other countries sided with Indonesia.
  • Without Permisson

    Without Permisson
    In 1980, Robert Faurisson wrote a book called Memoire en defense. Faurisson started his book with an essay that Chomsky had written without his permission. When Faurisson was targeted for his Holocaust denial Chomsky was question for comment. Chomsky state that Faurisson had a right to to express his opinion and that freedom of speech must extend to all viewpoints, even the unpopular ones and even untruths. This damaged Chomsky's reputation in France and delayed his own work.
  • Manufacturing Consent: The Politiccal Economy of the Mass Media

    Manufacturing Consent: The Politiccal Economy of the Mass Media
    Collaborating with Edward S. Herman, they purposed that there are five filters used that are effective in distorting the news in mass media.
  • Retiring from MIT

    Retiring from MIT
    After retirement Chomsky continued his activism and remained vocal about his political views. Then in 2017 he began teaching at the University of Arizona.
  • A Conversation with Noam Chomsky

    A Conversation with Noam Chomsky
    A Conversation with Noam Chomsky