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John Brown

  • John Brown's back ground

    John Brown's back ground
    John Brown May 9, 1800 and December 2, 1859 was a American who believed in and advocated armed. He first gained attention when he led small groups of volunteers during the Bleeding Kansas of 1856.
  • This is who he is

    This is who he is
    He was born in a very religious family in Torrington ,Connecticut. His brith date is May 9, 1800. His farther was a stongly slavery.
  • Where he lives

    Where he lives
    He lives in a small town in a big house. His house is a very nice beautful house in West Viriginia. John looks like he had alot of money. His town is called charles town.
  • This is his school

    This is his school
    In 1805 the family moved to Hudson Ohio where Owen Brown opened a tannery. At the age of 16 John Brown moved left his familyand went to Plainfield Massachusetts where he enrolled in school. Shortly after ward he transferred to an academy in Litchfield Connecticut.
  • where he went to college

    where he went to college
    1805 family moved to Ohio where the elder Brown was a supporter of Oberlin College. At age 16 Brown attended prep school in Connecticut, with the hope to become a minister. he wen to Oberlin college.
  • What did he do

    What did he do
    He got actted by the fedrlst asenal. During the raid brown was capatured as a slave. After that he was hanged. He was a anit-slavery.
  • This is his family

    This is his family
    He had 2 sisters and he had 5 brothers. His moms name is Ruth Mills. His Dads name is Owen Brown
  • this is his life spanind

    this is his life spanind
    In 1859, Brown and 21 of his followers attacked and occupied the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry. Their goal was to capture supplies and use them to arm a slave rebellion. Brown was captured during the raid and later hanged, but not before becoming an anti-slavery icon. Abolitionist and insurrectionist.Oct 27, 2009