Jesse jackson 9351181 1 402

Jesse Jackson

  • Birth

    Born to Helen Burns and Noah Robinson. Helen was only a high school student at the time of his birth but Noah was a 33 and marrired
  • His Dad left

  • graduation

    He graduatid from the illinois university of law with a degree in sociology
  • Period: to

    graduated from collage

    He graduated from the illinoiss college of law with a degree in soci
  • moved to chicago

    he moved his young family to chicago
  • supended

    Jesses Jackson was susppended from the SCLC
  • resignation

    formaly resigned from the SCLC
  • PUSH

    Jesse united to creat PUSH (People United to Save Humanity).
  • Runs for president

    Becomes the second African American to run for US president
  • He made a second run for president
