
Japanese Astronomy

  • Dated journal entry claiming witness of a comet in the sky from 2-6am

    Dated journal entry claiming witness of a comet in the sky from 2-6am
    A 12 year old boy named Matasaburou had been keeping a diary of daily life in Tosa, and he recorded one of the earliest Japanese comet sightings.
  • Department of Astronomy at University of Tokyo is founded

    Department of Astronomy at University of Tokyo is founded
    This was the birthplace of modern Japanese Astronomy
  • Tokyo Astronomical Observatory was established

    Tokyo Astronomical Observatory was established
    Taking place at the University of Tokyo, abbreviated to TAO
  • L-4S-5 launched

    L-4S-5 launched
    Japan was the 4th nation to succeed in satellite launch, following USSR, USA and France.
  • Tokyo Astronomical Observatory was reorganized to be the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan as an Inter-university Research Institute

  • Ancient tomb discovered to contain a detailed star chart

    Ancient tomb discovered to contain a detailed star chart
    Later on, more tombs were found to contain similair "star paintings" containing maps of the sky
  • Nova in the constellation Ophiuchus by a Japanese astronomer

  • Subaru Telescope saw the first light

    Subaru Telescope saw the first light
  • NAOJ took part in the ALMA Project

    NAOJ took part in the ALMA Project
    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
  • Japan Successfully Launches Lunar Explorer "Kaguya"

    Japan Successfully Launches Lunar Explorer "Kaguya"
  • Japanese amateur astronomer captures flash on Jupiter

    Japanese amateur astronomer captures flash on Jupiter
  • Japanese astronomers find most distant galaxy cluster

    Japanese astronomers find most distant galaxy cluster
  • This year's Setsbun Festival

    Marks the completion of the cycle of the 24 divisions of the solar year
  • Japan launches world's first talking humanoid robot toward ISS

    Japan launches world's first talking humanoid robot toward ISS
    This robot was meant to be a companion to the single astronaut flying in this mission.
  • New 'Nova' Star Explosion Spotted by Japanese astronomer

    New 'Nova' Star Explosion Spotted by Japanese astronomer
    Koichi Itagaki