Internment camps 17

Japanese-American Internment Camps

  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    World War II or the Second World War began with the conflict of the Axis powers and the Allies.Including Germany, Japan and Italy (Axis) and The United States, France, Britan and Russia (Allies).
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    On this date the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and this lead to the U.S. declaring war on Japan.
  • The U.S Declares War on Japan

    The U.S Declares War on Japan
    On this date the U.S. Officially declared war on Japan and then joined the World War II on the Pacific Front .
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt sgned executive order 9066 sending all Japanese-Americans to internment camps.
  • Proclamation No.1

    Proclamation No.1
    This procllamation issued by Genral John Dewittt ,establishing Millitary area No.1 and No.2 This clarified that all Japanese desendant in the state of California would be relocated.
  • Executive Order 9102

    Executive Order 9102
    This offical order gave the right to the Civilian Agency to relocate all subjects of Japanese Americans desent.
  • The Release Of Japanese Americans From Internment Camps

    The Release Of Japanese Americans From Internment Camps
    The U.S Supreme Court had declared that keeping loyal citizens in internment camps was unlawful, so during that year the government began to close the camps and allowed the Japanese to leave. The internment camps were dissolved over a period of many months including from April to November of 1945.Some remained as late as April of 1946.
  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
    On this day World War II ended.
  • Executive Order 9066 Rescinded

    Executive Order 9066 Rescinded
    On this date Presidnt Gen. Ford formally rescinded the Executive Order 9066. in the year 1988, to apologize to the Japanese-Americans, Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act stating that it was a "grave injustice" and the also offered 1.6 billion dollars in repiration to formally interned Japs. or their reletives.