Japan’s WW1 timeline

  • Capture of German Tsingtao

    A joint force of Japanese and British soldiers captured the German controlled city of Tsingtao in northern China.
  • Capture of German Pacific colonies

    Japanese forces captured the German colonies of the Mariana (except Guam), Marshall and Caroline Islands.
  • Japanese navy secured sea lanes

    The Japanese navy secured sea lanes in the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans.
  • Japan assisted in anti-submarine escort in the Mediterranean

    The British asked the the Japanese navy to escort supply ships in the Mediterranean. They lost one destroyer called the Sakaki.
  • Siberian Expeditionary force

    Japan contributed 12,000 men to the Siberian Expeditionary Force. Along with America who sent 8,000 soldiers.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    The Japanese delegation wanted the German colonies in the Pacific and wanted to be recognized as an equal nation. They didn’t get the second one because president Woodrow Wilson wanted to get the League of Nations ratified in America. Especially in the south where they were still quite racist. It didn’t pass anyway because of American ideals.