Iraq War TimeLine

By Kathy.
  • The Begining Of The Iraq Invation

    The Begining Of The Iraq Invation
    U.S led forces invade Iraq from Kuwait.125,000 U.S and British soldiers and Marines were stationed in Iraq. By the end of April, U.S said they will ass 100,000 more soldiers to its force.
  • Saddam Hussain

    Saddam Hussain
    U.S troops take Baghdad, Saddam goes into hiding.U.S troops capture Saddam near Tikrit on December 13th(Between March 20 and May 1, 138 US troops were killed.)
  • Bombing of Shl'ie Shrine

    Bombing of Shl'ie Shrine
    The bombing of Shl'ite shrine in Samarra sparks widespread sectarian slaughter, raising fear of Civil War.
  • Prime Minister Launches US-Backed Crackdown

    Prime Minister Launches US-Backed Crackdown
    Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki launches US-Backed Crackdown in Bagahdad aimed at pulling Iraq back from brink of civil war. Five US combat brigades plus supporting troops, about 30,000 soldiers are sent to Iraq between Febuary and mid-June 2007.
  • 331 Soilders are killed

    331 Soilders are killed
    US military completes its troop build-up to around 170,000 soldiers. In April to June 2007, 331 US soldiers are killed, the deadliest quarter of the war for the US military. In September 10th US commander in Iraq General David Petreus recommends cutting troops by more than 20,000 by mid-2008
  • US Military

    US Military
    The US military says the last of five extra combat brgades sent to Iraq in 2007 have withdrawn, leaving just under 147,000 US troops in Iraq.
  • US Combat Units

    US Combat Units
    All US combat units withdraw from Iraq's urban centres and redoploy to bases outside. On August 31st troops levels in Iraq are reduced to 49,700 after a major drawdown is completed.
  • Troops Level

    Troops Level
    Troops levels in Iraq are reduced to 49,700 after major drawdown is completed.
  • Al Maliki

    Al Maliki
    A small residual, US force should remain in Iraq beyond the end of 2011, after the scheduled withdrawal. On june 6th the biggest single loss of life since 2009, six US soldiers are killed in a rocket attack on a Baghdad base. On october 4th, Al Maliki wins support from political blocs on keeping US trainers, but they reject any deal that would grant US troops immunity as Washington had.
  • Obama Speaks

    Obama Speaks
    Obama says he will pull all US troops out of Iraq at the end of 2011, dashing US hopes of leaving a few thousand troops to buttress a still shaky Iraq, after the failure of negotiations on keeping some there as trainers.
  • Iraqi Security

    Iraqi Security
    About 700 US trainers, mainly civilians, will help Iraqi security forces when American troops leave, Iraqi and US officials say. On December 2nd, The US military vacates Victory Base Complex, its vast main base near Baghdad airport that was once the hub of the American was operation.
  • Iraq War Finaly Ends

    Iraq War Finaly Ends
    For eight years the Iraq War finaly came to an end. Obama thanks all returning troops. U.S lost 4,484 military personnel since 2003 in Iraq and a total of 32,226 U.S soldiers were seriously wounded in the war and may require care for the rest of their lives but those who finaly made it home were Greatful and Happy returing to their family.