Iraq War

By meganw
  • Start of the Iraqu War

    Start of the Iraqu War
    Presedent Bush anounces that the Iraq war has started, "These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign,"
  • The toppling

    The toppling
    Iraq soldiers and Iraqians help take down a statue of their former leader, Sudam in Baghdad. After taking the statue down the american soldiers ran over it with their tanks and tearing it into peices.
  • Mission Accomplished

    Mission Accomplished
    Bush gave a speach called "Mission Accomplished" that said they had succeded a major combat opperations in Iraq
  • SUdams son

    SUdams son
    Saddams son was captured
  • taking cintrol

    taking cintrol
    1,438 soldiers dead, Iraq men and women ar t taking control of their own country.
  • Casulties

    554 soldiers died Soldiers are still trying to establish demorey in Iraq.
  • iraqenues release video

    iraqenues release video
    a video is released showing an american contracter being beheaded
  • Triditional National Assembily

    Triditional National Assembily
    Holds elections in Iraq for a "Triditional National Assembily".
  • warn of civil war

    warn of civil war
    bush is warned that there might be a civil war
  • deth tool

    deth tool
    the number of deth tool is now 1000 men
  • soldiers

    most deaths in a month 137 soldiers
  • deth toll

    deth toll
    the deth toll is 1500 sildiers
  • atomic bomb

    atomic bomb
    chief Mohamed El Baradei told the us that Sudaim had an active atomic bomb progeam, For telling the US this he got a noble peace prize
  • deth toll

    deth toll
    the deth tolll reaches to 2000 soldiers
  • withdraw from Iraq

    withdraw from Iraq
    Rep. John Murtha wants soldiers to withdraw from iraq. he bealeved that america has done all its can for iraq
  • post-war

    bush does not call for a post war again
  • Baghdad Wall

    Baghdad Wall
    americans put up a 12ft 3 mile long wall seperating Sunni enclave from Shiite
  • leader og the AL-Quida

    leader og the AL-Quida
    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was kelled he was also the leader of the Al-QUida
  • japan withdraws

    japan withdraws
    japan withdraws its 600 soldiers from iraq
  • 110 billion dollers

    110 billion dollers
    iraq needs another 100 billion dollers to fund the war
  • civilans

    over 34000 civilans are dead
  • deth toll

    deth toll
    soldires deth is 4000
  • set date

    set date
    the US set a date for the soldiers to go home, the date is december 11, 2011
  • withdraw

    the US withdraws more than 90000 troups from Iraq
  • ended

    us declares that the Iraq war is finally over