Hunger Games fiction pg. 374

  • I read pages 1-74

    In these pages Katniss and her sister get ready to go to see who is going to be i n the hunger games for there district (12). tHEY FINALLY MAKE IT THERE AND KATNISSES SISTER IS FREAKING OUT. Kanniss says she wont get picked but she does and Katniss volinteers to go instead of them.
  • I read pages 74-159

    In these pages we get introducesd to all the tributes in the hunger games and the all have to make in intrence and katnisses was her a peeta( the other person from district 12) riding on a chariot with fire on them. the also trian with all the tributes in these pages.
  • I read pages 159-222

    In these pages they all have to show off their strangths for the sponsers. Peeta shows off his strength and the juges' aren't impressed but ounce katniss comes up with her arrow she miss the target and everyone started laughing. she turned around and shot the apple right out of the hog that all the sponsers were eating. she got an 11 out of 12 being rated peeta got an 8.
  • I read pages 222-280

    In these pages they all start the hunger games and 12 out of the 24 tributes die in the first day. 5 out of the remaing tributes form an allience and they start killing off people. There main goal is to try to ikill off katniss but the are never succsecful.
  • I read pages 280-374

    In these pages katniss keeps alooding the alience and finally distoys them off and katniss and petta win the hunger games because they said that if u come from the same district than you dont have to kill each other and you can win together. the come back to disatrict 12 and they are all rich for winnig the hunger games,.