Finish line

How Rebellion Fostered Bravery in the Life of Young Louis Zamperini

  • Born

    Louis was the second born child to Anthony and Louise Zamperini. He was born in Orlean, NY.
  • Louis was diagnosed with pneumonia.

    Louis was diagnosed with pneumonia.
    Plagued with pneumonia at the ripe old age of two, Louis climbed out of his bedroom window, descended one story, and went on a naked tear down the street with police chasing him and an audience watching. It was clear that he was going to be a handful from a very young age. If you are curious about pneumonia click here
  • The Zamperini Family moves to Torrance, CA.

    The Zamperini Family moves to Torrance, CA.
    The family doctor recommended the move to California because the the weather had a possibility to promote better health for the toddlers plagued with pneumonia.
  • Louis sees the Graf Zepplin over Torrance California.

    Louis sees the Graf Zepplin over Torrance California.
    The moment he heard this great machine, Louis hopped out of bed and rushed outside. From the moment he laid eyes on this miraculous air vessel, he was in awe. This marked a turning point in young Louis' view on the war.
    Info concerning the Graf Zeppelin
  • Louis fascination with keys gets him in trouble.

    Louis fascination with keys gets him in trouble.
    After hearing that one in every fifty keys fits in a lock, Louis began collecting keys and trying them on different doors. He didn't find luck until he tried his house key on the back door into the gym. Soon enough, Louis was caught letting kids into the game for free at home events.
  • Period: to

    Louis did almost nothing but run.

    Louis dedication became truly evident over the summer of 1932. Concentrating on running, he made vast improvements over a short amount of time. Shaving his time down little by little, he beceame one of the most renown runners in his era.
  • Louis moves out.

    Louis moves out.
    After a particularly bad argument with his father, Louis packed his bags and moved out with only a sandwich and a few dollars to his name. Returning a short time later, Louis was able to see the importance of his family in his life.
  • Louis was made eligible for high school athletics.

    Louis was made eligible for high school athletics.
    Louis eligibility for high school athletics was a major turning point in his life. Instead of turning down a track of juvinile deliquency, Louis was able to see the importance of running, and therefore, the importance of his education.
  • Pete coaches Louis.

    Pete coaches Louis.
    Pete began to commute home from college to coach Louis. It was evident to Pete that he had the possiblility of becoming a great runner, and Pete attempted to assure that Louis stayed on a good track in all aspects of his life.
  • Louis begins competitive running.

    Louis begins competitive running.
    Finally using all of his pent up energy for positive reasons, Louis took after his elder brother, Peter, and began running competitively. This allowed him to have a positive outlook toward school.
  • Louis sets high school running record.

    Louis sets a world interscholastic record for the mile. Making progress much faster than other runners, Louis determination radiated through him for the world to see. His times spoke for themselves and no one could question the excellence arising in this young athlete.
  • Louis graduates from high school.

    Louis graduates from high school.
    Graduating from high school was a big accomplishment for Louis. Overcoming the difficulties of cultural assimilation at a young age and becoming a renown runner allow anyone to see the greatness that others used to overlook.
  • Track meet at the USC Coliseum

    Track meet at the USC Coliseum
    Competing in the 5000 meter event, Louis took second place at the track meet at the USC Coliseum. This race broke Louis out of his shell and he, as well as the rest of the world, could see that this young runner was on the fast track to greatness. Picture of the front of the stadium
  • Louis heads for the Olympic Trials in New York.

    Louis heads for the Olympic Trials in New York.
    Although Louis was born in New York, Louis had not returned since his family moved to Torrance. This was the furthest he had been away from his home. Louis would soon qualify for the Berlin Olympics of 1936, making a name for a small immigrant family of California.
  • Louis runs in the Berlin Olympics.

    Louis runs in the Berlin Olympics.
    Louis runs in the Berlin Olympics. Although Louis fell behind earlier in the race and did not maked it to the podium, he broke the record for the fastest lap and made a great attempt to increase his placement. Passing many people in the final turns, he grasped the attention of many people in the audience, including that of Adolf Hitler. More information about the 1936 Olympics