history of phone

  • 1983 BCE

    The cell phone goes public

    It took ten years for the technology that Dr. Cooper invented to become available to the public. The first public cell phones were put out by Motorola.
  • 1971 BCE

    The term "cell" comes into play

    AT & T proposed splitting phone service into different areas across the cities. These areas were called "cells".
  • 1956 BCE

    A second attempt at car phones is made

    The second attempt at car phones was a success. The equipment was large and heavy, but it worked, and that was an improvement over the past.
  • 1945 BCE

    The first mobile phone service is established

    The first mobile phone service is established
    The first service created just for mobile phones opened up in St. Louis, MO, but the service didn't work well and it didn't last.
  • 1940 BCE

    Communication by mobile radios becomes more common

    Communication by mobile radios becomes more common
    By the 1940's most government agencies, as well as the rich people, had mobile radios. They used them while they were on the go to talk to others.
  • 1934 BCE

    The Federal Communications Committee is established

    The Federal Communications Committee is established
    The government used most radio frequencies for itself, but the air waves were still clogged up. The FCC was created to decide who got to use which channels.
  • 1921 BCE

    The first car-to-car radios are used

    The first car-to-car radios are used
    The Detroit Police Department began using mobile radios in their police cars. They used them to talk between cars, but it didn't work very well.
  • 1010 BCE

    How were people before the phone was invented

    How were people before the phone was invented
    People used different ways of communication before mobile phone.
  • The first car phone service is attempted

    The first car phone service is attempted
    A car phone service was opened between Boston and New York, but this service was a failure, too.
  • The first cell phone is tried

    Dr. Martin Cooper invented a portable hand-held phone that didn't need to be powered through a car. He was the first person to make a mobile phone call.
  • The flip phone is introduced

    Motorola came out with a new design where the mouth piece flipped over the top of the keypad. It was the first flip phone.
  • Text messaging is developed

    Developers in Europe came up with a way to send written messages over the phone. It was called texting.