History of the periodic table and atomic models

  • 492 BCE


    Democritus was a very influential ancient greek philosopher primarily remembered today for his formulation of the atomic theory of the universe.
  • Dalton's atomic theory and Atomic model

    Dalton's atomic theory and Atomic model
    Dalton discovered that elements are made of extremely small particles called atoms.
  • Niepce's invention of Photography

    Niepce's invention of Photography
    With such interest in Lithography, Nipece started working on how to make pictures.
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    Died of stomach cancer.
  • Mendeleev's Periodic table

    Mendeleev's Periodic table
    Mendeleev made the periodic table to show the illustrate the periodic trends.
  • Thomson's CRT, Discovery of Electrons and Atomic model

    Thomson's CRT, Discovery of Electrons and Atomic model
    He showed that the rays were composed of a previously unknowingly negatively charged particles.
  • Rutherford's Gold and Foil experiment and atomic model

    Rutherford's Gold and Foil experiment and atomic model
    In this experiment, Rutherford established the nuclear theory of an atom. He concluded a tiny, dense nucleus was causing the deflection in the experiment.
  • Discovery of a Proton

    Discovery of a Proton
    Ernest Rutherford performed many experiments to explore radioactivity. In the experiment, the atom needed a positive center which lead to the discovery of the proton.
  • Moseley's Periodic table

    Moseley's Periodic table
    Henry Moseley modernized the periodic table. He added on from Mendeleev's table.
  • Bohr's Atomic model

    Bohr's Atomic model
    In his early atomic structure, in which electrons circulate around the Nucleus in discrete, stable orbits with different energy levels.
  • Women gained the right to vote

    Women gained the right to vote
    Limited voting rights were gained by women gained by women in Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and the U.S.
  • Electron cloud model introduced

    Electron cloud model introduced
    This model is used to describe where electrons are when they go around the nucleus.
  • Discovery of a Nuetron

    Discovery of a Nuetron
    James Chadwick was supposed to watch the evidence of Rutherford's tightly bound "proton-electron pair" or nuetron.
  • Atomic bombing of Hiroshima

    Atomic bombing of Hiroshima
    With the conesnt of the United Kingdom, the U.S. dropped nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two bombings killed at least 129,000 people.
  • Assassination of Gandhi

    Assassination of Gandhi
    Gandhi was assassinated at the Birla House in New Delhi on January 30, 1948. Gandhi was outside on the steps during a prayer meeting by Nathuram Godose.