History of the Atomic Model

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    Developed methods for the gathering of scientific fact.
    His work provided the basis for scientific work more than a
  • John Dalton

    He designed experiments to see the proportion of their weight, hence inferring the weight of the atoms. He identified several elements already known at the time, and knew which ones were lighter than which. Also, he did identify how these atoms combined taking as basis the way which substances combined. Here was his scheme of thin
  • Joseph John Thomson

    Thomson announced that the cathode rays consisted of negatively charged particles, which represented fundamental particles of matter. He was not the first person to suggest that these particles existed, nor did he coin the term "electron", yet he is generally credited with the discovery of the electron.
  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    He experimented with radioactivity materials to get his information.
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford

    Conducted the gold foil experiment.
  • Ernest Marsden

    Helped out with the gold foil experiment
  • Niels Bohr

    changed rutherfords model.
  • louis de broglie

    Used the work of max planc and albert einstein to come up with his model
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    extensive work with albert einstein
  • James Chadwich

    worked with ernest rutherford
  • Glenn Seaborg

    Synthesized 6 transuranium elements and suggested a change in the layout of the periodic table.
  • Enrico fermi

    Enrico fermi
    Conducted the first controlled chain reaction releasing energy from the atoms nucleus.
  • Demotricus

    Lived in the ancient greek times aboutn500 B.C. He believed and came up with these ides through the work of this course.