history of the atom timeline by alyric

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    he claimed that everything is made up of atoms / he helped to purpose the earliest views the shapes and connectivity of atoms Usinng analogies from our sense , he gave an image or the atom democritean - solid "NASA Sparked Fire Risk While Drying Sodden Spacesuit On Station, Report Says." Universe Today RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014
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    airstole didnt discover anything about atoms in fact airstole completely dismissed atoms theory he stuck with a promoted the idea that the universe was made of earth, air, and water
  • Dalton

    dalton discovered different types of matter have different types of atomioc atoms were solid balls of different masses he also believed that matter was made up of atoms. This agreed with democituss idea atoms of the same element are exactly the same.
    the method he used is the microscope method. They put the material into a slid and viewed it 10x bigger than what it is
  • thomson

    thomson discovered negative electrons (particles) mixed throughout the atom making them able to be split even futher
    the method he used is a cathode ray
  • rutherford

    rutherford discovered positives nucleus in middle , surrounded by negative electrons. he called the positively charged particle in the atoms nucleus a proton the method rutherford used is the gold foil experiment
  • bohr

    bohr discovered electrons in orbit, like planets around the nucleus distance from determined by energy of the election . electrons travel in shells . electrons circled in orbits the method bohr used is he passed onto a study of the basics
  • heisenberg and schrodinger

    heisenberg and schrodinger
    they discovered quantuim model of the atom electrons in likely positions in cloud , not defined orbit the method they used is the wave function