History of the Atom Timeline by Cole Deckman and Tyron Jacobs

  • 400

    Demoocritus 400BC

    Demoocritus 400BC
    He Discovered it in the 4rth century B.C, He informed everyone that an atom cannot be cut and still have the same substances He used evidence gathered from his experience. He described it as very small with particles similar to each other.
  • Dalton

    An atom is a small thing, and there are different masses with diffrent properties. He used gathered evidence from experiments. Atoms made of tiny balls arranged in invividual patterns.
  • Thomson

    He discovered that atoms are "cuttable". He studied the rays that travel between charged metal plates in a vacuum tube. He described it as a negatively charged electrons were embedded in a positively charged sphere
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger

    Heisenberg and Schrodinger
    He looked at the smallest pieces that make up atoms. He took the research from others and looked into it even further. Atoms are made of neutrons and protons not protons and electrons.
  • Rutherford

    He declared nearly all the mass of an atom is concentrated in a tiny nuclues. Based on the results of experiments in which he bombarded sheets of gold with alpha particles.
  • Bohr

    Electrons could travel only in a certain set of orbits around the nucleus.He Information based off the evidence working with Rutherford. He described atoms as inadequate.