History of the Atom Timeline by Caleb Clayton and Madison Lewis

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    Aristotle (BC)

    Aristotle (BC)
    In his part of discovering the atom, he discovered That they're composed up of the five elements water, fire, earth, air, and aether with a theory through observation. He didn't believe in the atom theory, he believed everything was made of the five elements. "The atomic Timeline" Timetoast Npnd. Web. 26 Feb. 2014
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    Democritus (B.C.)

    Democritus (B.C.)
    Democritus discovered that eveything is made up of atoms, they are physically indivisable, and space lies between them. Democritus approximately made this discovery in 400 B.C. He observed this through theroy from discovery, and that the atom looked like a solid with hooks that lock them into a solid. "History of the Atomic Theory." Timetoast.N.P.,nd.web.25Feb.
  • Dalton (A.D.)

    Dalton (A.D.)
    Daton had firve points to his explanatin. 1) All matter consists of tiny particles 2) Atoms are indestructible and unchangable. 3) Elements are charaterized by the mass of their atoms. 4) When elements react their atoms combine in the simple whole number rations. 5) When elements react their atoms sometimes combine in more than one simple whole number ratio. He used a mathematical formaula to make his discovery and he thought the atom looked tiny indivisble and each had 9 certain mass & size
  • Thomson

    He discovered atoms contain electrons. He used an experiment with a cathode ray. He thinks it looks like combined particles. It was called the "Plumb Pudding Model" Funk, Maree. 5.2 Atoms. N.d
  • Rutherford

    He discovered that every nucleus is apart of every atom. It contaisn more than 99% of the atom's mass. He came to conclusion of this because he performed an experiment. He said that there was a large nucleus wth an overall positive charge.
    Funk, Maree. 5.2 Atoms. N.d
  • Bohr 1912

    Bohr 1912
    He discovered that protons in the nucleus and electrons surround it. Also that outer electrons determines element's chemical property. Bohr used a formula to discovered. His model was that electrons lined up with the regular patterns of light emmited by real hydrogen atoms.
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger 1926

    Heisenberg and Schrodinger 1926
    They used a mathematical equation, thought that the atom's nucleus has things that are called orbitals, which is the wave function state of a single electron in an atom, and he discovered that waves can be used to describe electrons and atoms. The e;ectrons float, rather than having a specific path.