
History of the Atom

  • Period: 500 BCE to

    History of the Atom

  • 450 BCE


    Empedocles was born in 490 BCE. 3 Fun Facts:
    -Empedocles died by throwing himself into a volcano.
    -Empedocles was believed to have performed miracles.
    -Empedocles is said to have unusual clothing. He often dressed in purple robes and have worn golden sandals. Empedocles believed that all matter was made up of 4 elements, Water, Earth, Fire and Air. This is false because there are a lot more elements on the periodic table, which don't contain any of those elements.
  • 350 BCE


    Aristotle was born in 385 BCE. 3 Fun Facts
    -He was a tutor to Alexander the Great.
    -Aristotle was orphaned at a young age.
    -He is considered to be the founder of zoology. Aristotle expanded on the idea of Empedocles. He added a new element called "Space" to the 4 elements Empedocles came up with. This is false because there are over 100 more elements in the periodic table, which don't contain any of those 5 elements.
  • 500

    The Alchemists

    The Alchemists
    Their ideas were believed from 500-1600 CE. 3 Fun Facts:
    -The first people to try alchemy are the Egyptians.
    -Alchemists believed that religion, magic, substances, mind, philosophies, and astrology were related to each other.
    -Alchemists were obsessed with turning metals into gold. The Alchemists believed that you could turn a base metal into another base metal, which isn't possible because base metals are a pure element. The Alchemists also believed in an elixir of immortality.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    Lavoisier was born in the 1743 CE. 3 Fun Facts:
    -Lavoisier was executed by guillotine for fraud.
    -Lavoisier lived for only 50 years.
    -He is called "The father of modern science". He discovered that water is not an element, but rather a molecule with hydrogen and oxygen in it. He also discovered that diamonds are a form of carbon.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John was born in the 1743 CE. 3 Fun Facts:
    -Dalton was the first one to explain the cause of color blindness.
    -Dalton also got the royal medal in 1826.
    -Dalton lived a very simple life. He didn't even own a car. Dalton discovered the modern atomic theory. The theory states that all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. He also said that elements are made up of atoms which are same in mass, size and shape.
  • J.J Thomson

    J.J Thomson
    J.J Thomson made his discovery in 1904 CE. 3 Fun Facts:
    -JJ Thomson was awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 1906.
    -Thomson played cricket and rugby at university level.
    -He also came from a family full of scientists. JJ Thomson discovered the electron. He also created a new model of the atom called the "Plum Pudding" model. It is a model of a sphere full of protons, and some electrons surrounding it. This model was proven false by Rutherford because the atom is mostly empty space.
  • Lord Ernest Rutherford

    Lord Ernest Rutherford
    Lord Ernest Rutherford did his discovery in 1911 CE. 3 Fun Facts:
    -His name was mistakenly spelt "Earnest" when he was first born.
    -He was the fourth of 12 children.
    -The element "Rutherfordium" was named in honor of Lord Rutherford. Rutherford tested Thomsons "Plum Pudding" model in his gold foil experiment. In his experiment, he shot a beam of alpha particles at a piece of gold foil. Most of them went through the sheet, but a few bounced back. This showed that most of the atom is empty space
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Niels Bohr did his discovery in 1913 CE.
    3 Fun Facts:
    -He was a soccer player in his youth.
    -He was known for his sense of humor. He once told visitors to touch a horseshow before they came in for good luck.
    -Niels Bohr knew famous scientists such as Einstein and Erwin Schrodinger.
    Niels Bohr created a model of the atom which looks like the Solar System. He suggested that electrons go around the nucleus like how planets orbit the Sun.
  • Quantum Model

    Quantum Model
    The Quantum model was created in 1926.
    3 Fun Facts:
    -The Quantum Model is the latest model of the atom.
    -Niels Bohr and Max Planck created the model.
    -Max Planck got PhD at the age of 21.\
    The Quantum Theory states that electrons don't move in a definite path like planets around the Sun. It also states that it is impossible to know the exact position of an electron. It states that the probable location of an electron is based on its energy.