History of the Atom

  • 460 BCE

    Democritus was born

    Democritus was born
    He lived in Abdera.
  • 442 BCE

    Democritus created his model of the atom.

    His theory was based on matter and his ideas were based on reasoning rather than science.
  • 370 BCE

    Democritus died.

  • Antoine Lavoisier was born

    Antoine Lavoisier was born
  • John Dalton was born.

    John Dalton was born.
    United Kingdom
  • Lavoisier proposed Combustion Theory which was based on sound mass measurements.

  • Lavoisier died.

    He was behead.
  • Dalton developed Atomic Theory.

    He based his theories of partial pressure on the idea that only like atoms in a mixture of gases repel one another.
  • Dalton died.

  • Max Planck was born.

    Max Planck was born.
  • J.J. Thomson was born.

    J.J. Thomson was born.
    Cheetham Hill
  • Marie Curie was born.

    Marie Curie was born.
  • Robert Millikan was born.

    Robert Millikan was born.
  • Ernest Rutherford was born.

    Ernest Rutherford was born.
    New Zealand
  • Albert Einstein was born

    Albert Einstein was born
  • Niel Bohr was born.

    Niel Bohr was born.
  • Erwin Schrodinger was born.

    Erwin Schrodinger was born.
  • Thomson discovered that neon was composed of two different kinds of atoms.

    He studied cathode rays.
  • James Chadwick was born

    James Chadwick was born
  • Louis De Broglie was born.

    Louis De Broglie was born.
  • Curie discovered radioactivity.

  • Rutherford discovered the electron.

    He studied the effects of X-Rays on the conductivity of gases, resulting in a paper about dividing atoms and molecules into ions.
  • Planck discovered energy quanta.

  • Werner Heisenberg was born.

    Werner Heisenberg was born.
  • Millikan used the oil drop method to discover the charge of an electron.

    He began by measuring the course of charged water droplets in the electric field.
  • Bohr made contributions to understanding atomic structure

    He realized that electrons should move around the nuclues but only in proscribed orbits.
  • Einstein developed the theory of relativity.

    It was first developed in 1905 but was later republished as the Special theory of Relativity
  • Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity

    He proposes that all motion is relative and nothing can be said to be truly stationary
  • Broglie suggested that all matter has wave properties.

  • Schrodinger believed atomic spectra should really be determined by an eigenvalue problem.

    He was Planck's successor.
  • Werner proposed the "uncertainty relation", setting limits for how precisely the position and velocity of a particle can simultaneously determine.

  • Chadwick found the neutron.

    He used scattered data to find the masses of a neutral particle.
  • Curie died.

  • Rutherford died.

    His nickname was crocodile.
  • Thompson died.

    He was buried next to Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
  • Max Planck died.

  • Millikan died.

  • Einstien died.

    United States
  • Schrodinger died.

  • Bohrs died.

  • Borhs died.

  • Chadwick died.

  • Heisenberg died.

  • Broglie died.