Special olympics world games 1 72016

History of Special Olympics

  • Camp Shriver

    Camp Shriver
    In 1962, Eunice Kennedy Shriver started Camp Shriver in her families backyard in Rockville, Md, in an effort to provide a safe and fun environment without the focus of what they cannot do.
  • The First Special Olympic Games

    The First Special Olympic Games
    The first Special Olympic Games where held in Chicago, IL with competition beginning July 20, 1968. Eunice Kennedy Shriver began the games by saying:
    "Let me win,
    but if I cannot win
    let me be brave
    in the attempt."
    This is still the Special Olympic oath today.
  • Special Olympics, Inc

    Special Olympics, Inc
    On December 2, 1968, Sen. Edward Kennedy announces the formation of Special Olympics, Inc. Special Olympics was established as a not-for-profit organization.
  • Special Olympics Wisconsin First Track Meet

    Special Olympics Wisconsin First Track Meet
    Special Olympics Wisconsin held its first state track meet in West Allis, WI where 200 athletes participated.
  • 2nd Special Olympic Games

    2nd Special Olympic Games
    The 2nd Olympic Games were held on August 13, 1970. These games hosted 2,000 athletes from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, France, and Puerto Rico.
  • "Olympics" approved

    "Olympics" approved
    In December 1971, Special Olympics has been given approval from the US Olympic Committee to use the name "Olympics".
  • Special Olympics - Wisconsin

    Special Olympics - Wisconsin
    Special Olympics Wisconsin was established as a not-for-profit organization
  • Broadcast of Special Olympic Games

    Broadcast of Special Olympic Games
    The 1975 Special Olympic Games held in Michigan at Central Michigan University had 3,200 athletes competing from 10 different countries. These games were broadcast nationwide on CBS.
  • Winter Special Olympics

    Winter Special Olympics
    On February 5, 1977, Steamboat Springs, Colorado hosted the first International Special Olympics Winter Games. More than 500 athletes participated in skiing and skating events.
  • Sports Illustrated and Time Cover Games

    Sports Illustrated and Time Cover Games
    The Special Olympic games held on July 31, 1987 in South Bend, Indiana was the Seventh International Special Olympic Summer Games. These games were covered by both Sports Illustrated and Time.
  • A Very Special Christmas

    A Very Special Christmas
    In October 1987, A&M Records and Bobby Shriver produce A Very Special Christmas which featured Christmas music from various artists. Proceeds from record sales benefited Special Olympic programs worldwide.
  • 1993 World Winter Games

    1993 World Winter Games
    On March 20, 1993, Salszburg and Schladmig, Austria hosted the fifth World Winter Games. This was the first World Winter Games held outside North America. Participating were 1,600 athletes from more than 50 counties competing in five winter sports.
  • 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games

    2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games
    On June 21, 2003, Dublin, Ireland hosted the first Special Olympics World Summer games that were held outside the United States. Participating were 5,500 athletes from 150 countries competing in 19 sports.
  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies

    Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies
    On August 11, 2009, Eunice Kennedy Shiver passes away.
  • Rosa's Law

    Rosa's Law
    On October 5, 2010, President Obama signed a bill that removed the term "mental retardation" and "mentally retarded" from federal health, education and labor policy. These terms have been replaced with "individual with an intellectual disability" and "intellectual disability".