Chemistry concepts   ideas

History Of Elements, Atoms & The Periodic Table

By st12179
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    Democritus bleived things could be broken down into atoms

    Democritus was the first person that beleived that things could be broken down into atoms, this was how the atom theory was created and created a foundation for future chemistry all over the world. ''
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    Aristatle disagreed with Democritus

    Aristatle did not belive that Democritus's theory was true, instead he belived that all things would either be mad out of the elements, earth, air, fire or water. most people beleived Aristatle due to his fame in science unlike Democritus.
  • First Recorded element discovery: Phosphorus

    Hennig Brand was the first person in history to discover an element. Brand was distilling human urine while trying to discover the philophosers stone, he then found a glowing white substance during his tests and named it phosphorus.
  • Isaac Newton discovered Gravity

    in 1684, Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity. Though this is not part of chemistry, gravity plays a massive part in not only physics, but in every science, therfore leaving scientific foundations for future chemistry.
  • John Dalton began discovering about atoms

    In the 1800's John Dalton, an English chemist, performed some experiments with different chemicals, which seemed to have elementary lumpy particles in them (atoms) John Dalton was known for creating the atom theory.
  • Total elements discovered: 47

    By 1809, a total of 47 elements had been discovered, and at this point, scientists began looking for patterns and clues between the elements to expand on the atom theory.
  • First Periodic Table Published

    Dimitri Mendeleev published the first periodic table, based on discoveris from scientists such as Antonic - Laurent and Stanislao Cannizaro.
  • Total elements dicovered: 63

    By 1869, a total of 69 elements had been discovered, and new elements wer still being found.
  • Alpha, Beta and Gamma (types of radiation) were discovered

    In 1886, Ernest Rutherford from New Zealand discovered that there were three different types of radiation (alpha, beta and gamma)
  • J.J Thomson discovers electrons

    J.J Thomson was the first scientist to propose that there was something even smaller inside atoms, and he also proposed that there was indeed a positive (+) particle.
  • Radioactivity announced to be caused by breakdown of atoms

    in 1903, Ernest Rutherford from New Zealand, announced that radioactivity was caused by the breakdown of atoms.
  • Rutherford makes important discoveries

    in 1911, Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus of an atom, and also discovered that electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom, this plays an important part in the atom theory. Rutherford also named the (+) particles that J.J Thomson discovered protons.
  • Niels Bohr discovers more about atoms

    In 1913, Niels Bohr began advancing on Sir Ernest Rutherford's theory, and discovered that the electrons orbit the atom in shells, or layers. This is now a commonly known part of the atom theory.
  • Ernest Rutherford Split The Atom

    Sir Ernest Rutherford split the atom in 1917, which played a great impact on what were to be the futures ahead. Without the spliting of the atom, atomic bombs could not have been created, therefore changing dramatic events that happened during the war.
  • Discovery of Neutrons and Isotopes

    James Chadwick discovered neutrons and isotopes, this forms the basis of the modern periodic table.
  • Most recent element discoveries

    Flerovium and Livermorium and the two newest elements to be added onto the periodic table, both of these elements were man made during some tests in Russia, from 1998 to 2000. It took several years to decide on an official name for both new elements.