
History of Coding Languages

By bakerla
  • Plankalkul

    The name means plan calculus in german. It was developed by Konrad Zuse for high level engineering uses.
  • Fortran

    FORmula TRANslating systemwas developed by John Backers and used for numeric and and scientific computations.
  • Math-matic

    Created by Sperry Rand as a commericial compiler for UNIVAC I
  • Lisp

    Stands for Locator/identifier Separation Protocol. Created bySteve Russel and Timothy Hart to be used as a mathematical notation for programs and AI development
  • COBL

    Stands for Common Business Oriented Language. Developed by Howard Bromberg to be used in business finance and administrative systems.
  • RGB

    Stands for Report Program Generator. Developed by IBM to replicate punched card processing.

    Stands for Begginer's All-purpose Symbolistic Instruction Code. Intended to give those who wanted to develop software easy access to programming. Developed by John G. Kennedy and Thomas E. Kurtz.
  • LOGO

    Created by Wally Feurzeig as an educational coding language.
  • B

    Derived from BCPL and intended to abbrieviate it to fit into the memory capacity of microcomputers at the time. Developed by Ken thompson and Dennis Ritchie

    Named for the philosopher Blaise Pascal and developed by Nikolaus Virth and intended to teach students structured programming.
  • C

    Stands for Cross-platform. Designed to influence cross- platform programming. Developed by Dennis Ritchie.
  • ML

    Short for metalanguage designed by Robin Milner to develop proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover.
  • SQL

    Structured Query Language was created by ISO/EEC adn used for relational database management systems.
  • ADA

    Named for Ada Lovelace, intended to unify the DoD's coding languages. Now used in large software development. Developed by Jean Ichbach and later Tucker Taft
  • C++

    An extension of C designed by Biarne Stroustrup to be highly efficient and flexible.
  • Python

    Named after the movie character Monty Python this language was developed by Guido Van Rossum to express code in the fewest lines possible.
  • Visual Basic

    Derived from basic and developed by microsoft as an easy to use and learn language for application development.
  • Delphi

    Developed by Embarcadero Technologies for rapid application development.
  • Java

    Named after a type of coffee this software was developed by James Gosling and intended to give simple code designed to run on any computer architecture.
  • Javascript

    Having little common with Java, Brenden Eich created this code to create web applications in a variant of C.
  • PHP

    Stands for Personal Home Page developed by Remus Lerdorf and used to build simple dynamic web applications.