
  • Air-Traffic Controllers Strike

    The union declared a strike because they wanted to have better working conditions, better pay, and only a 32-hour work week. The 11,345 people who were striking were then fired two days later.
  • Equal Access Act

    The Equal access act was passed to force federally-funded secondary schools to provide equal access to extracurricular clubs.
  • Iran-Contra scandal

    A political scandal in the U.S. It was an operation that was to free American hostages held by terrorist groups with Iranian ties. The U.S. would send weponds to Isral and then Isreal would send the weponds to Iran. Iran would then send payment to the U.S.
  • Gramm-Rudman-Holling Act

    It was used to lower federal budget deficit.
  • Westside Community school District V. Mergens

    Westside refused to let a group of kids to form a Christian Bible study club within the school. The students argued that it was a violation of the Equal Access Act requiring that groups seeking to express religious, political, or philosophical messages can not be denied the ability to form clubs.
  • Reno V. ACLU

    A court case were all nine Justices of the Court voted to strike down anti-indecency provisions of the Communications Decency Act (the CDA). they found that they violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.
  • Mitchell V. Helms

    Was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that ruled it was permissible for loans to be made to religious schools under Chapter 2 of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981.
  • Bush V. Gore

    It was a decision that effectively resolved the 2000 presidential election in favor of George W. Bush.