Hanna, Sydney, Zach Per 4

By segan1
  • Supreme Court ruled that every state had to offer equal educational opportunities

    This meant that states offering Law schools and medical schools for whites had to provide such instructions for african amercans.
  • Civil Rights Activist Protest in Front of Whitehouse

    They tried to get segregation abolished. Some signs included 'We demand an excutive order outlawing military segregation"
  • President Truman Responded to the Activist

    Truman responded to the pressure by creating the Commitie on Civil Rights. To study racial descrimition and to suggest federal solutions to the problem
  • President Truman Ends Segragation in the Military

    President Truman Ends Segragation in the Military.
  • Sweatt v. Painter

    The Supreme Court ruled in Sweatt v. Painter that the new school did not provide African Americanswith access to equal academic prestige, facilities, or in instructors.
  • Brown Case

    In May 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in the Brown case that seggeration in ublic schools was illegal
  • Desegregate

    In 1955 the Court made its ruling stronger, ordering public schools to desegregate "with all deliberate speed."
  • rosa parks

    on december 1st 1955 the ideal case arose. african american seamstress rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white passanger,
  • supreme court

    in novemeber 1956 the supreme court ruled that montgomery's segregated bus system was illegal.
  • Ernest Green

    In May 1958 Ernest Green became the first African American student to graduate from Central High School. " When they called my name.... Nobody clapped," Green remembered
  • governor faubus

    governor faubus continued to fight intergeration. he even closed the little rock public school during the 1958 to the 1959 school year. the schools finally reopened under court order in 1959vand began a process of slow interigation.