The great depression 2

Great Depression in the Americas

  • The economic impact of the depression on Canada.

    The economic impact of the depression on Canada.
    Imports fell by 25%. Exports fell by 55%. Wheat prices fell by 75%. Unemployment reached 27%. 20% of Canadians were on some form of relief. Collapsing prices were not matched by falling crop production. Agricultural and manufacturing products from Central Canada were met by restricted trade policies.
  • Stock Market Crash Impact on Canada

    Stock Market Crash Impact on Canada
    There were structural problems in the economic boom that made it inherently unstable, both in Canada and in the US. the problem was compounded by the world's reliance of the US economy's stability. The vast amount of US capital invested in the Canadian economy meant that the effects of the New York crash were soon felt north of the 49th parallel, just as they were around the world.
  • Impact of th Depression on Argentina

    Impact of th Depression on Argentina
    The crash in 1929 had an immediate impact on the demand of Argentine exports. For Argentina the implementation of protectionist policies led to an imbalance of trade and a 43% fall in value of their crops. Also there was a 40% devaluation of the Argentine peso.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The Stock Market Crash began after a decline of stock prices throughout the stock market in 1929. It resulted in families losing their life savings, businesses closing, and millions of people left without a job.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
    Creatd by Willis Hawley and Reed Smoot. The passing of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff resulted in U.S Tariffs rising to historically high levels.
  • Canada's Social Impact of the Depression

    Canada's Social Impact of the Depression
    In a country that was built largely on the promise of land ownership, losing family farms to foreclosure called into question the identity and character of Western Canada. Newfoundland suffered from the decline of its fisheries that unemployment reached 50%. The instability and political scandals were forced to revert to its former colonial status.
  • Bennet's response to the Depression

    Bennet's response to the Depression
    Richard Bennett increased tariffs by 50% and allocated $20 million for relief programs. He pushed prices higher with the tariff and have money to the people to cope with higher prices. His relief "system" was developed in the early 1930s. It consisted of patchwork of municipal, provincial, federal, and private efforts.
  • William Lyon Mackenzie King's impact on Canada

    William Lyon Mackenzie King's impact on Canada
    King approached the early stages of the Depression similarily to how he approached politics in general. He inspired confidence in Canada by signing the British North American Act. He hid behind this pact when he was pressed by the government to alleviate the growing misery in Canada.
  • Impact of the Department of National Defence during the Depression

    Impact of the Department of National Defence during the Depression
    For example single unemployed men were directed to the Department of National Defence. They earned 20 cents a day while working at these camps. The nickname "the Royal Twenty Centers" was created. The system of relief consisted of federal and provincial funds.
  • Creation of the British North American Act

    Creation of the British North American Act
    The act of the British Parliament that established the Dominion of Canada. It was replaced by a solely Canadian Act, the Constituiton Act of 1982.
  • Political Changes in Latin America

    Political Changes in Latin America
    The Great Depression had profound economic effects but thos are overshadowed by the political changes. While multiple countries recovered relatively quickly from economic distress, there were newly-established military dictatorships. Latin American political systems also shifted over the same time period towards Authoritarianism.
  • Establishment of Concordancia

    Establishment of Concordancia
    The coalition between the President Justo, the radicals, the pan conservatives, and independent conservatives. Leading party of the government. Regulations were established. Government signed the Roca-Ranchman pact with the UK.
  • Opposition to the New Deal

    Opposition to the New Deal
    FDR was opposed by the Communist and Socialist parties for not doing enough to change the economic outlook of the country. Many buisnessman and bankers felt the New Deal targeted them. Francis Townsend, Father Charles Coughlin, and Huey Long opposed the New Deal and attracted folloers in their challenges to the New Deal.
  • The impact of the ISI

    The impact of the ISI
    The Import Substitution Industrialization was created during the Great Depression. The Brazilian government reduced its imports by 75% between 1929 and 1932. ($416 to 108.6 million). Encouraged indusrtialization. Helped develop transportation. Gave Brazil a favorable balance of trade.
  • The impact of the New Deal

    The impact of the New Deal
    President Rooselvelt creates the New Deal. The New Deal was designed to alleviate the effects of the Depression. The New Deal allowed deposits to exceed withdrawals. FDR regulated buisnesses and helped farmers. Many political observers thought that FDR was too intelectually light weight and had little to offer for a struggling nation.
  • The creation of the 1st New Deal

    The creation of the 1st New Deal
    The creation of the New Deal Legislation consisted of several administrations and acts created in attempts to solving the Great Depression. Consisted of the National Recovery Administration, Tennesse Value Authority, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Public Works Administration, Rural Electrfication Act, National Youth Administration, Civilian Concentration Core, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Farming Security Administration, Homewoners Loan Corporation and the Federal Housing Administration.
  • Roosevelt - US President and his impact on the Great Depression

    Roosevelt - US President and his impact on the Great Depression
    Elected president during the worst point of the Great Depression. Known for his favorite quote, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". Roosevelt used the radio to help restore American confidence in their government and the economy. He created the New Deal in hopes of diminishing the negative effects of the Great Depression. The only president to be elected four times.
  • President Hoover and Federal Reserve Monetary Policy

    President Hoover and Federal Reserve Monetary Policy
    When the crash occurred, Hoover was unprepared to confront the recent turn of events. The actions and inactions of Hoover's administration, legislation passed by the Congress, and policies of the Federal Reserve caused a panic which would result in the deepest depression in US history.
  • The Creation of the Second New Deal

    The Creation of the Second New Deal
    The second part of the New Deal. Consisted of events and Acts such as the Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Works Progress Administration, Housing Act, "Court Packing", Fair Employment Practices Commision, and the GI Bill.
  • The relief system in Canada during the Depression

    The relief system in Canada during the Depression
    The creation of the Department of National Defence was created. Consisted of the Canadian Wheat Board, The Farmer's Creditors Arrangement Act, the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act, the Bank of Canada, and the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission.
  • The Recession of 1937

    The Recession of 1937
    By 1937, the economy had recovered to extreme levels that had not been seen prior to 1930. In the beginning of May, the economic growth reversed and a recession began. Unemployment raised to 19% from being at 14%. More than four million jobs were lost.
  • Getulio Vargas impact during the Great Depression

    Getulio Vargas impact during the Great Depression
    Vargas implemeted a series of policies that both supported the coffee indusrty while attemping to take Brazil off their dependence of their crops. He created the National Department of Coffee that was under his control.
  • Beginning of WWII

    Beginning of WWII
    After the Great Depression ended, the start of the second world war commenced. WWII involved almost every part of the world during the years of 1939-1945. The war was known as the bloodiest and largest war of all time. Multiple dictatos rose to power during WWII such as Adolf Hitler.