Great Depression

  • Herbert Hoover is Elected

    Herbert Hoover is Elected
    Shockingly known for saying "we in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land,” at the beginning of his presidency. Unfortunately, he will later be known as and only remembered as the man who was president when the US stock market crashed.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Known as the day of the stock market crash. It signified the beginning of the economic crisis America was soon to face.
  • 600 Banks Closed

    600 Banks Closed
    Everyday, banks were closing. And in the last 60 days of 1930, over 600 banks closed nationwide.
  • Empire State Building is Completed

    Empire State Building is Completed
    The completed construction of the Empire State Building was, at the time, the tallest building in the world, but the US had difficulty filling office spaces.
  • The Construction of Hoover Dam

    The Construction of Hoover Dam
    Construction begins. This provides employment for 5000 dedicated men in a nation with 12,000,000 men currently unemployed.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt is Elected

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is Elected
    Roosevelt will eventually go on to get elected into a second term.
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    At this point, the Dust Bowl was out of control and this day was the day it caused the most extensive damage.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Provided general welfare and benefits to the public in need. This included blind people, children, aged people, cripples, mothers, etc.
  • Hoover Dam is Completed

    Hoover Dam is Completed
    It becomes a symbol of Americas prosperity despite economic challenges. It also created lots of tourism to the town of Las Vegas in order for the workers to gamble, drink, and relax.
  • Joe Lewis and Max Schmeling fight

    Joe Lewis and Max Schmeling fight
    Lewis and Schmeling fight for the first time. Schmeling wins the 1936 Heavyweight Title.
  • Lewis vs Schmeling Rematch

    Lewis vs Schmeling Rematch
    Joe Lewis and Max Schmeling box again, this time with much more political weight. Schmeling fights for Germanys pride and Hitlers respect. Lewis is fighting for redemption and against the confidence of Germany.
  • Mount Rushmore Completed

    Mount Rushmore Completed
    The construction of Mount Rushmore is completed. This was part of Roosevelts government program, The NEW Deal