
  • 330 BCE


    Aristotle argued that the four elements—air, earth, fire, and water—have a natural position or place in which they travel. He further argued that objects heavier than others or those that contain more amount of earth would fall toward the ground faster and their speed would increase as they near their natural place.
  • Isaac Newton published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

    Isaac Newton published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
    Isaac Newton publishes Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, giving a comprehensive account of gravity. This gave astronomers an accurate toolbox for predicting the motions of planets. He argued that the orbit of the moon depended on the same type of force that causes an apple to fall on Earth.
  • The Unknown Planet Vulcan

    The Unknown Planet Vulcan
    To explain Mercury’s odd behavior, Urbain Le Verrier proposed the existence of an unseen planet called Vulcan, which orbited closer to the sun. He suggested that the gravity from Vulcan was influencing Mercury’s orbit. But repeated observations revealed no signs of Vulcan.
  • Special Relativity

    Special Relativity
    Special relativity is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein Eric Weisstein's World of Biography that describes the propagation of matter and light at high speeds. It was invented to explain the observed behavior of electric and magnetic fields.
  • Einstein Predicts Gravitational Redshift

    Einstein Predicts Gravitational Redshift
    In Einstein's general theory of relativity, the gravitational redshift is the phenomenon that clocks in a gravitational field tick slower when observed by a distant observer.
  • General Relativity

    General Relativity
    Albert Einstein publishes general theory of relativity. The theory also predicts the existence of black holes and gravitational waves, although Einstein himself often struggled to understand them.
  • Einstein makes a theory on Stimulated Emission

    Einstein makes a theory on Stimulated Emission
    Einstein publishes a paper on the quantum theory of radiation indicating stimulated emission was possible. Einstein proposed that an excited atom could return to a lower energy state by releasing energy in the form of photons in a process called spontaneous emission.
  • Prediction of Frame Dragging

    Prediction of Frame Dragging
    Josef Lense and Hans Thirring theorize that the rotation of a massive object in space would drag space-time around with it.
  • First observation of Gravitational Lensing

    First observation of Gravitational Lensing
    Gravitational lensing is the bending of light around massive objects, such as a black hole, allowing us to view objects that lie behind it.
  • First measurement of Gravitational Redshift

    First measurement of Gravitational Redshift
    Walter Sydney Adams examined light emitted from the surface of massive stars and detected a red shift, as Einstein predicted.
  • Prediction of a Galactic Gravitational Lensing

    Prediction of a Galactic Gravitational Lensing
    Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky proposed that an entire galaxy could act as a gravitational lens.
  • Gravitational Redshift Verified

    Gravitational Redshift Verified
    The theory was tested by Robert Pound and Glen Rebka by measuring the relative redshift of two sources at the top and bottom of Harvard University’s Jefferson Laboratory tower. The experiment accurately measured the tiny change in energies as photons traveled between the top and the bottom.
  • Observing the existence of Black Holes

    Observing the existence of Black Holes
    The general relativity theory gained further momentum beginning the 1960s due to the discovery of galaxies maintained by an enormous pull of black holes in the center. Gravity is responsible for this pull.