Government CYOA

By nessa1
  • Somalia Mission

    Somalia Mission
    George H. W. Bush sent 28,000 troops into Somalia to distribute food.

    NAFTA is created.
  • U.S. and NATO begin bombing campaign against Serbian Army

    U.S. and NATO begin bombing campaign against Serbian Army
    U.S. and NATO begin a bombing campaign against Serbian army.
  • U.S. Threats Haiti

    U.S. Threats Haiti
    U.S. uses military forces to oust Haiti's military
  • Clinton lifts 18 Year Embargo

    Clinton lifts 18 Year Embargo
    Clinton lifts 18 year embargo with Vietnam to create force to return POWs
  • George Mitchell brokers peace agreement.

    George Mitchell brokers peace agreement.
    U.S. Diplomat George Mitchell brokers peace agreemtent.
  • U.S. and NATO invade Afghanistan

    U.S. and NATO invade Afghanistan
    Declares "War on Terrorism"
  • 9/11 Attack

    9/11 Attack
    Al-Queda terrorists attack New York City.
  • U.S. invades Iraq

    U.S. invades Iraq
    U.S invades Iraq to overthrown Saddam Hussein.
  • George W. Bush signs United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act

    George W. Bush signs  United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act
    Bush signs United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act