Portrait of george washington

George Washington

  • Birth

    The first President of the United States, George Washington, was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia to Augustine and Mary Ball Washington on February 22, 1732. His parents were born in Virginia and both were of English descent. His ancestors had emigrated from England in the 1600’s to become planters. George grew up with his parents and siblings in Virginia
  • Father's Death

    Father's Death
    George's father died when George was 11. His brother Lawrence took care of him, teach him, and showed him how to hunt and shoot. He was like a father to him. His brother married that same year and moved to Mount Vernon.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    This war started on July 03, 1754. It took place in Fort Necessity. George Washhington was given the rank of major in this war. His job was to see how strong the French were at Ohio Country Valley. The war lasted 7 years.
  • Marriage

    On January 6, 1759, Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis. Martha was a widow and although they did not have children together, Martha had two daughters of her own from her previous marriage. Patsy, her daughter, died at the age of 17. This was very difficult for Washington.
  • Commander- in-chief of the new Continental Army

    Commander- in-chief of the new Continental Army
    While fighting for independence with Britain, George was elected Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. He was appointed to lead this army cause of his experience and for his leadership skills. That same year he took his troops and entered the Revolutionary war that lasted over 8years.
  • Constitution

    George Washington was elected President of the Constitutional Convention on May 25, 1787. He is one of the founding fathers of our Constitution. He, along with 54 other men, helped write and signed the Constitution of the U.S. as part of his fight for freedom.
  • President

    George Washington was undisputedly elected as the first president of the United States in 1788. He took office on April 30th in New York City. He served two terms in office. He oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government.
  • Death

    George Washington died in his house at Mount Vernon on December 14th, 1799 at the age of 67. There are different beliefs about his death, but at that time he was said to have died of epiglottitis, a breathing and fulminating disease. In his last will and testament he arranged for all of his slaves to be freed.