From God's Hand to The Promised Land

  • Period: 1890 BCE to 1790 BCE

    The Land of Milk and Honey

    Abraham was visited by God and told of the promised land. He also told him that his family would become as numerous as the stars and prosper for years to come.
  • 1720 BCE

    Birth of Ismael and Isaac

    Birth of Ismael and Isaac
    After many trials for a son Abraham had a concubine to help conceive his firstborn. Soon after the Lord blessed him with a son by his wife Sarah. Ismael and his mother would removed from the family shortly after the birth of the rightfully born son, Isaac.
  • 1600 BCE

    Jacob and Esau

    Jacob and Esau
    Isaac and his wife, Rebecca gave birth to twins. Jacob and Esau. After many years of battling for being the blessed firstborn of Isaac Jacob fled due to Esau wanting to kill him.
    He started a life with 2 sisters: Rachael and Leah, from them he had 12 sons. And of them he loved the youngest, Joseph, most for he had been born of Rachael.
  • 1590 BCE

    Joseph Sold to Savery

    Joseph Sold to Savery
    The other 11 sons of Jacob were jealous of his relationship with his father. Especially Judah, who wanted to kill him. While Jacob's first born Reuben, offered to sell him to the Ishmealites (Middianites) Because of this, they sold him to be a slave in Egypt.
  • Period: 1460 BCE to 1220 BCE

    "Let My People Go"

    Moses fled from his adopted Egyptian family after manslaughter of a slave. Once in the desert he married and was later led by God to get salvation for his people. God brought great trauma to the Egyptians until the Pharaoh (Ramses III?) let the Israelites go. Moses led the people across the Red Sea to return to Canaan. He retrieved the new rules of God from Mount Sinai and died shortly after.
  • Period: 1279 BCE to 1212 BCE

    Rule of Ramses II (birth of Moses)

    Overtime, the Jews that moved to Egypt began to be controlled. The Egyptians forced the Jews into slavery and Ramses tried to kill off all new born male Jews. Moses, being one of these babies, was put in a basket by his mother and sent across the Nile river. Moses was found by the daughter of Ramses (presumed to be Bithiah).
  • 1010 BCE

    Saul Became King

    Saul Became King
    God chose Saul as king through Samuel a prophet.
  • Period: 1010 BCE to 965 BCE

    Life of King David

    David was born and chosen by God at a young age. He defeated a Philistine giant that was said to have come from God's fallen angles mixing with earthly women. He became King over Saul circa 1004 bce, as Saul's reign was cut short due to corruption.
  • 1000 BCE

    King Solomon

    King Solomon
    Solomon (son of David) fell in love and impregnated Queen Makeda of Ethiopia.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 928 BCE

    Rule of Solomon

    King Solomon repaired the city of the Isrealites. He continued to ask God for wisdom until his death after the bankruptcy of the city.
  • 586 BCE


    King Nebuchadnezzar was in active exile of all the Isrealites. Until it was time for him to choose a wife. Esther, a young woman who's family had been exiled was held accountable for the Isrealites strength. She explained the situation and Haman the right hand man, and one who convinced the king the Isrealites must be removed in mass amounts, was banished by the king and new queen.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    He conquered Persia under the reign of Cyrus (successor of King Neb).
  • Period: 63 BCE to 476

    Romans take Jerusalem

    Gnaeus Pompeius over ruled Judah, and after many generations of Jews creating an up rise (such as the Zealots) the Roman Empire began crucifixions of those who opposed them. This included Jesus Christ (4b.c.-36 a.d.) a prophet of the Jews and the reason for Christianity.